Unclear why this is happening? Could be something that migrated over, but i don't think so?
b15 job list
16:07:30.34 | INF pkg/config/config.go:211 > Config loaded from: [], and with data-dir v1.5.0/data-dir
failed request: failed to authorize user: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
❯ b15 config list
16:07:51.055 | INF pkg/config/config.go:211 > Config loaded from: [], and with data-dir v1.5.0/data-dir
api.auth.accesspolicypath AccessPolicyPath is the path to a file or directory that will be loaded as the
policy to apply to all inbound API requests. If unspecified, a policy that
permits access to all API endpoints to both authenticated and unauthenticated
users (the default as of v1.2.0) will be used.
api.auth.methods map[ClientKey:{challenge }] Methods maps "method names" to authenticator implementations. A method name is a
human-readable string chosen by the person configuring the system that is shown
to users to help them pick the authentication method they want to use. There can
be multiple usages of the same Authenticator *type* but with different configs
and parameters, each identified with a unique method name. For example, if an
implementation wants to allow users to log in with Github or Bitbucket, they
might both use an authenticator implementation of type "oidc", and each would
appear once on this provider with key / method name "github" and "bitbucket". By
default, only a single authentication method that accepts authentication via
client keys will be enabled.
api.host Host specifies the hostname or IP address on which the API server listens or the
client connects.
api.port 1234 Port specifies the port number on which the API server listens or the client
api.tls.autocert AutoCert specifies the domain for automatic certificate generation.
api.tls.autocertcachepath AutoCertCachePath specifies the directory to cache auto-generated certificates.
api.tls.cafile CAFile specifies the path to the Certificate Authority file.
api.tls.certfile CertFile specifies the path to the TLS certificate file.
api.tls.insecure false Insecure allows insecure TLS connections (e.g., self-signed certificates).
api.tls.keyfile KeyFile specifies the path to the TLS private key file.
api.tls.selfsigned false SelfSigned indicates whether to use a self-signed certificate.
api.tls.usetls false UseTLS indicates whether to use TLS for client connections.
compute.allocatedcapacity.cpu 70% CPU specifies the default amount of CPU allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "100m" for 0.1 CPU cores). This value is used when
the task hasn't explicitly set its CPU requirement.
compute.allocatedcapacity.disk 70% Disk specifies the default amount of disk space allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "1Gi" for 1 gibibyte). This value is
used when the task hasn't explicitly set its disk space requirement.
compute.allocatedcapacity.gpu 100% GPU specifies the default number of GPUs allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "1" for 1 GPU). This value is used when the task
hasn't explicitly set its GPU requirement.
compute.allocatedcapacity.memory 70% Memory specifies the default amount of memory allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "256Mi" for 256 mebibytes). This value
is used when the task hasn't explicitly set its memory requirement.
compute.allowlistedlocalpaths [] AllowListedLocalPaths specifies a list of local file system paths that the
compute node is allowed to access.
compute.enabled false Enabled indicates whether the Web UI is enabled.
compute.heartbeat.infoupdateinterval 1m0s InfoUpdateInterval specifies the time between updates of non-resource
information to the orchestrator.
compute.heartbeat.interval 15s Interval specifies the time between update checks, when set to 0 update checks
are not performed.
compute.heartbeat.resourceupdateinterval 30s ResourceUpdateInterval specifies the time between updates of resource
information to the orchestrator.
compute.labels map[] Labels are key-value pairs used to describe and categorize the compute node.
compute.orchestrators [nats://] Orchestrators specifies a list of orchestrator endpoints that this compute node
connects to.
compute.tls.autocert AutoCert specifies the domain for automatic certificate generation.
compute.tls.autocertcachepath AutoCertCachePath specifies the directory to cache auto-generated certificates.
compute.tls.cafile CAFile specifies the path to the Certificate Authority file.
compute.tls.certfile CertFile specifies the path to the TLS certificate file.
compute.tls.insecure false Insecure allows insecure TLS connections (e.g., self-signed certificates).
compute.tls.keyfile KeyFile specifies the path to the TLS private key file.
compute.tls.selfsigned false SelfSigned indicates whether to use a self-signed certificate.
compute.tls.usetls false UseTLS indicates whether to use TLS for client connections.
datadir v1.5.0/data-dir DataDir specifies a location on disk where the bacalhau node will maintain
disableanalytics false No description available
engines.disabled [] Disabled is a list of downloaders that are disabled.
engines.types.docker.manifestcache.refresh 1h0m0s Refresh specifies the refresh interval for cache entries.
engines.types.docker.manifestcache.size 1000 Size specifies the size of the Docker manifest cache.
engines.types.docker.manifestcache.ttl 1h0m0s TTL specifies the time-to-live duration for cache entries.
featureflags.exectranslation false ExecTranslation enables the execution translation feature.
inputsources.disabled [] Disabled is a list of downloaders that are disabled.
inputsources.maxretrycount 3 ReadTimeout specifies the maximum number of attempts for reading from a storage.
inputsources.readtimeout 5m0s ReadTimeout specifies the maximum time allowed for reading from a storage.
inputsources.types.ipfs.endpoint Endpoint specifies the multi-address to connect to for IPFS. e.g
inputsources.types.s3.accesskey AccessKey specifies the access key for the S3 input source.
inputsources.types.s3.endpoint Endpoint specifies the multi-address to connect to for IPFS. e.g
inputsources.types.s3.secretkey SecretKey specifies the secret key for the S3 input source.
jobadmissioncontrol.acceptnetworkedjobs false AcceptNetworkedJobs indicates whether to accept jobs that require network
jobadmissioncontrol.probeexec ProbeExec specifies the command to execute for probing job submission.
jobadmissioncontrol.probehttp ProbeHTTP specifies the HTTP endpoint for probing job submission.
jobadmissioncontrol.rejectstatelessjobs false RejectStatelessJobs indicates whether to reject stateless jobs, i.e. jobs
without inputs.
jobdefaults.batch.priority 0 Priority specifies the default priority allocated to a service or daemon job.
This value is used when the job hasn't explicitly set its priority requirement.
jobdefaults.batch.task.publisher.config.params map[] No description available
jobdefaults.batch.task.publisher.config.type local No description available
jobdefaults.batch.task.resources.cpu 500m CPU specifies the default amount of CPU allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "100m" for 0.1 CPU cores). This value is used when
the task hasn't explicitly set its CPU requirement.
jobdefaults.batch.task.resources.disk Disk specifies the default amount of disk space allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "1Gi" for 1 gibibyte). This value is
used when the task hasn't explicitly set its disk space requirement.
jobdefaults.batch.task.resources.gpu GPU specifies the default number of GPUs allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "1" for 1 GPU). This value is used when the task
hasn't explicitly set its GPU requirement.
jobdefaults.batch.task.resources.memory 1Gb Memory specifies the default amount of memory allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "256Mi" for 256 mebibytes). This value
is used when the task hasn't explicitly set its memory requirement.
jobdefaults.batch.task.timeouts.executiontimeout 0s ExecutionTimeout is the maximum time allowed for task execution
jobdefaults.batch.task.timeouts.totaltimeout 0s TotalTimeout is the maximum total time allowed for a task
jobdefaults.daemon.priority 0 Priority specifies the default priority allocated to a service or daemon job.
This value is used when the job hasn't explicitly set its priority requirement.
jobdefaults.daemon.task.resources.cpu 500m CPU specifies the default amount of CPU allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "100m" for 0.1 CPU cores). This value is used when
the task hasn't explicitly set its CPU requirement.
jobdefaults.daemon.task.resources.disk Disk specifies the default amount of disk space allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "1Gi" for 1 gibibyte). This value is
used when the task hasn't explicitly set its disk space requirement.
jobdefaults.daemon.task.resources.gpu GPU specifies the default number of GPUs allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "1" for 1 GPU). This value is used when the task
hasn't explicitly set its GPU requirement.
jobdefaults.daemon.task.resources.memory 1Gb Memory specifies the default amount of memory allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "256Mi" for 256 mebibytes). This value
is used when the task hasn't explicitly set its memory requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.priority 0 Priority specifies the default priority allocated to a service or daemon job.
This value is used when the job hasn't explicitly set its priority requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.task.publisher.config.params map[] No description available
jobdefaults.ops.task.publisher.config.type local No description available
jobdefaults.ops.task.resources.cpu 500m CPU specifies the default amount of CPU allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "100m" for 0.1 CPU cores). This value is used when
the task hasn't explicitly set its CPU requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.task.resources.disk Disk specifies the default amount of disk space allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "1Gi" for 1 gibibyte). This value is
used when the task hasn't explicitly set its disk space requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.task.resources.gpu GPU specifies the default number of GPUs allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "1" for 1 GPU). This value is used when the task
hasn't explicitly set its GPU requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.task.resources.memory 1Gb Memory specifies the default amount of memory allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "256Mi" for 256 mebibytes). This value
is used when the task hasn't explicitly set its memory requirement.
jobdefaults.ops.task.timeouts.executiontimeout 0s ExecutionTimeout is the maximum time allowed for task execution
jobdefaults.ops.task.timeouts.totaltimeout 0s TotalTimeout is the maximum total time allowed for a task
jobdefaults.service.priority 0 Priority specifies the default priority allocated to a service or daemon job.
This value is used when the job hasn't explicitly set its priority requirement.
jobdefaults.service.task.resources.cpu 500m CPU specifies the default amount of CPU allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "100m" for 0.1 CPU cores). This value is used when
the task hasn't explicitly set its CPU requirement.
jobdefaults.service.task.resources.disk Disk specifies the default amount of disk space allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "1Gi" for 1 gibibyte). This value is
used when the task hasn't explicitly set its disk space requirement.
jobdefaults.service.task.resources.gpu GPU specifies the default number of GPUs allocated to a task. It uses Kubernetes
resource string format (e.g., "1" for 1 GPU). This value is used when the task
hasn't explicitly set its GPU requirement.
jobdefaults.service.task.resources.memory 1Gb Memory specifies the default amount of memory allocated to a task. It uses
Kubernetes resource string format (e.g., "256Mi" for 256 mebibytes). This value
is used when the task hasn't explicitly set its memory requirement.
logging.level info Level sets the logging level. One of: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal,
logging.logdebuginfointerval 0s LogDebugInfoInterval specifies the interval for logging debug information.
logging.mode default Mode specifies the logging mode. One of: default, json.
nameprovider puuid NameProvider specifies the method used to generate names for the node. One of:
hostname, aws, gcp, uuid, puuid.
orchestrator.advertise Advertise specifies the address to advertise to other cluster members.
orchestrator.authsecret AuthSecret key specifies the key used by compute nodes to connect to an
orchestrator.cluster.advertise Advertise specifies the address to advertise to other cluster members.
orchestrator.cluster.host Host specifies the hostname or IP address on which the API server listens or the
client connects.
orchestrator.cluster.name Name specifies the unique identifier for this orchestrator cluster.
orchestrator.cluster.peers [] Peers is a list of other cluster members to connect to on startup.
orchestrator.cluster.port 0 Port specifies the port number on which the API server listens or the client
orchestrator.enabled false Enabled indicates whether the Web UI is enabled.
orchestrator.evaluationbroker.maxretrycount 10 ReadTimeout specifies the maximum number of attempts for reading from a storage.
orchestrator.evaluationbroker.visibilitytimeout 1m0s VisibilityTimeout specifies how long an evaluation can be claimed before it's
returned to the queue.
orchestrator.host Host specifies the hostname or IP address on which the API server listens or the
client connects.
orchestrator.nodemanager.disconnecttimeout 1m0s DisconnectTimeout specifies how long to wait before considering a node
orchestrator.nodemanager.manualapproval false ManualApproval, if true, requires manual approval for new compute nodes joining
the cluster.
orchestrator.port 4222 Port specifies the port number on which the API server listens or the client
orchestrator.scheduler.housekeepinginterval 30s HousekeepingInterval specifies how often to run housekeeping tasks.
orchestrator.scheduler.housekeepingtimeout 2m0s HousekeepingTimeout specifies the maximum time allowed for a single housekeeping
orchestrator.scheduler.workercount 12 WorkerCount specifies the number of concurrent workers for job scheduling.
orchestrator.tls.autocert AutoCert specifies the domain for automatic certificate generation.
orchestrator.tls.autocertcachepath AutoCertCachePath specifies the directory to cache auto-generated certificates.
orchestrator.tls.cafile CAFile specifies the path to the Certificate Authority file.
orchestrator.tls.certfile CertFile specifies the path to the TLS certificate file.
orchestrator.tls.insecure false Insecure allows insecure TLS connections (e.g., self-signed certificates).
orchestrator.tls.keyfile KeyFile specifies the path to the TLS private key file.
orchestrator.tls.selfsigned false SelfSigned indicates whether to use a self-signed certificate.
orchestrator.tls.usetls false UseTLS indicates whether to use TLS for client connections.
publishers.disabled [] Disabled is a list of downloaders that are disabled.
publishers.types.ipfs.endpoint Endpoint specifies the multi-address to connect to for IPFS. e.g
publishers.types.local.address Address specifies the endpoint the publisher serves on.
publishers.types.local.directory Directory specifies a path to location on disk where content is served from.
publishers.types.local.port 0 Port specifies the port number on which the API server listens or the client
publishers.types.s3.presignedurldisabled false PreSignedURLDisabled specifies whether pre-signed URLs are enabled for the S3
publishers.types.s3.presignedurlexpiration 0s PreSignedURLExpiration specifies the duration before a pre-signed URL expires.
resultdownloaders.disabled [] Disabled is a list of downloaders that are disabled.
resultdownloaders.timeout 0s Timeout specifies the maximum time allowed for a download operation.
resultdownloaders.types.ipfs.endpoint Endpoint specifies the multi-address to connect to for IPFS. e.g
strictversionmatch false StrictVersionMatch indicates whether to enforce strict version matching.
updateconfig.interval 24h0m0s Interval specifies the time between update checks, when set to 0 update checks
are not performed.
webui.enabled false Enabled indicates whether the Web UI is enabled.
webui.listen Listen specifies the address and port on which the Web UI listens.
Unclear why this is happening? Could be something that migrated over, but i don't think so?