bacanhim / TS3AudioBot

Teamspeak 3 Audio Bot for Raspberry Pi
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Corrupt Identity error when trying to start the container #3

Open anrj opened 1 year ago

anrj commented 1 year ago

image I have also exported an identity key from ts3 but still the same error. Need help

bacanhim commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry for late reply, as soon I arrive home I'll take a look at it.

bacanhim commented 1 year ago

How exactly are you importing the identity key? For me is working all fine with other identity key.

Please explain how you doing it so I can replicate.


xSilenceCoding commented 1 year ago

Hi @bacanhim i have the same issue :/

Here is my yml file: grafik

If i add the unique id from the bot to - BOT_IDENTITY= grafik i become the same error

Admin Group: grafik


bacanhim commented 1 year ago

Hi @xSilenceCoding,

I can confirm that i can replicate that error, let me look in to it. I'm using the same engine to test it (docker on windows, even thought it is meant for ARM64. Cant test on raspberry right now).


xSilenceCoding commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast answer :)

I use Docker Windows

if i'm giving the Bot manuelly rights and will play a song from youtube, i become this: grafik

bacanhim commented 1 year ago

You do have to give him permissions manually, the groups that you assign on docker-compose file is for the bot to know witch groups has permissions for requests.

Try the command !ys URL

I'm not using this for a while (i don't remember most of the commands), since i migrated my server setup to an actual server AMD64, I'm using Sinusbot since it provides me more flexibility to add plugins to control users behavior. But I'll try to address the issue ASAP.

bacanhim commented 12 months ago

What i found so far:

Or to generate a new one, a temporary solution would be to download the bot from the releases of the owner and start the bot for it to generate a key. and then navigate to bots/default/bot.toml and copy the key on that file to the docker compose file.

Hope it helped.