Closed xstable closed 8 years ago
Just to clarify this closing: in the 3.1 version that was just released the backup folder is a bolt filesystem path, so all the filesystem stuff will be done by $app['filesystem']
That should be more robust than before, and it will not even try to touch the backup folder unless backups are turned on. It is also more configurable as it will use the paths that you have defined for bolt instead of concatenating paths on it's own.
If I've installed the Module and go to Extras ⇒ Menueditor, I got a message:
That msg doesn't helps a lot.
Folder is not exactly defined. A look into menueditor.bacboslab.yml told me, the path should be:
But even If I create this folder app/config/menu-backups and give him 777 permissions, the Error-message still appear.
Then I've gone into the Extension.php and return the value of:
This shows, that $this->app['resources']->getPath('web') finished the line with '/.':
Would be better to output the exactly path, which was tried to create ( or where to wan't to save the file)!