bacco007 / sensor.opennem

OpenNEM Sensor for Home Assistant
MIT License
11 stars 5 forks source link

Just installed in Vic, only one entity identified - SBTW? #23

Open cralwalker opened 1 year ago

cralwalker commented 1 year ago

I believe I followed the instruction, just seeing one entity: sensor.opennem_vic


How may entities should I expect to see?

mbhancock commented 1 year ago

Same here. I tried the other states/regions which had the same outcome

purcell-lab commented 12 months ago

It is setup to only provide one entity.

If you are after more details have a look at the attributes of that entity.


cralwalker commented 12 months ago

Aah, I see. Thank you.

Do you suggest a particular card to use to expose the attributes I am interested in?