bachya / Sifttter-Redux

IFTTT to Day One service
MIT License
36 stars 0 forks source link

upgrade not working #16

Open richpav opened 10 years ago

richpav commented 10 years ago

The zip backup file is of an empty sifttter directory. The sifttter files in Dropbox aren't touched.

I suspect this is has something to do with the problem: > Downloading "//Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter" to "/Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter/"...

But changing the Sifttter files location to Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter didn't fix it.

The two temp directories are deleted after init. Is that supposed to happen?

daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~
$ srd init
# You've already initialized Sifttter Redux. Do it again? [default: N]: y
# Location for Dropbox-Uploader [default: /usr/local/opt]: 
# Using pre-existing Dropbox Uploader at /usr/local/opt/Dropbox-Uploader...
# Where do you want to download Sifttter files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter]: 
# Where are your Sifttter files located in Dropbox? [default: /Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter]: 
# Where do you want to download Day One files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/dayone]: 
# Where are your Day One files located in Dropbox? [default: /Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/Day\ One/Journal.dayone/entries]: 
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~
$ srd upgrade --verbose
# Backing up Sifttter files to /Users/daddy/
 > Downloading "//Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter" to "/Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter/"... 
 > Creating local directory "/Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter/"... DONE
# Done.
# Uploading revised Sifttter files to Dropbox...
 > Creating Directory "//Users/daddy/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/sifttter"... ALREADY EXISTS
# Done.
# Removing temporary local files...
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [x86_64-darwin12.5.0]
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~
bachya commented 10 years ago

Hi there! One thing that seems amiss is your paths in Dropbox; make sure you read this section of the README:

richpav commented 10 years ago

Doh! I missed that. But it's still not working. And I have to recreate the two tmp directories every time I run upgrade.

$ srd init
# You've already initialized Sifttter Redux. Do it again? [default: N]: y
# Location for Dropbox-Uploader [default: /usr/local/opt]: 
# Using pre-existing Dropbox Uploader at /usr/local/opt/Dropbox-Uploader...
# Where do you want to download Sifttter files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter]: 
# Where are your Sifttter files located in Dropbox? [default: Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter]: 
# Where do you want to download Day One files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/dayone]: 
# Where are your Day One files located in Dropbox? [default: Apps/Day\ One/Journal.dayone/entries]: 
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~/tmp
$ srd upgrade --verbose
# Backing up Sifttter files to /Users/daddy/
 > No such file or directory: /Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter
# Done.
# Uploading revised Sifttter files to Dropbox...
 > Creating Directory "/Apps/IFTTT/sifttter"... DONE
# Done.
# Removing temporary local files...
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~/tmp
$ ls -la ~/Dropbox/Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter
total 384
drwxr-xr-x@ 12 daddy  staff     408 Jul 10 00:50 .
drwxr-xr-x@  6 daddy  staff     204 Sep  7 16:56 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff     100 Aug 14 12:04 _100_shop_list.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff     154 Aug 14 12:04 evernote.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff  100187 Sep  8 20:19 facebook.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff     978 Aug 14 12:10 long_term_reminder.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff     462 Aug 14 12:10 look_up.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff     184 Aug 14 12:10 low_priority.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff   22700 Sep  8 21:59 read.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff    4563 Aug 30 21:19 to_do.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff   29817 Aug 15 22:32 tracks.txt
-rw-r--r--@  1 daddy  staff    6533 Aug 24 20:22 tweets.txt
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~/tmp
bachya commented 10 years ago

One thing I'm noticing: your Sifttter-files-in-Dropbox location looks like this:


...whereas mine looks like this:


(notice the opening /)

I see the same thing for your Day-One-files-in-Dropbox location.

That slash has to be there, as SRD is looking for an absolute path within the Dropbox file structure. Try that and let me know?

richpav commented 10 years ago

I thought I tried that previously but I just tried it again. The zip archive still a 0 byte "sifttter" directory and the files in Dropbox haven't been touched.

$ srd init
# You've already initialized Sifttter Redux. Do it again? [default: N]: y
# Location for Dropbox-Uploader [default: /usr/local/opt]: 
# Using pre-existing Dropbox Uploader at /usr/local/opt/Dropbox-Uploader...
# Where do you want to download Sifttter files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter]: 
# Where are your Sifttter files located in Dropbox? [default: Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter]: /Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter
# Where do you want to download Day One files to (temporarily)? [default: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/dayone]: 
# Where are your Day One files located in Dropbox? [default: Apps/Day\ One/Journal.dayone/entries]: /Apps/Day\ One/Journal.dayone/entries
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~/bin
$ srd upgrade --verbose
# Backing up Sifttter files to /Users/daddy/
 > Downloading "//Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter" to "/Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter/"... 
 > Creating local directory "/Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter/"... DONE
# Done.
# Uploading revised Sifttter files to Dropbox...
 > Creating Directory "//Apps/IFTTT/sifttter"... ALREADY EXISTS
# Done.
# Removing temporary local files...
daddy at MacBook-Pro in ~/bin
bachya commented 10 years ago

Can you copy/paste the contents of ~/.sifttter_redux?

richpav commented 10 years ago
$ cat .sifttter_redux
  config_location: /Users/daddy/.sifttter_redux
  log_level: WARN
  version: 1.0.6
  sifttter_local_filepath: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/sifttter
  sifttter_remote_filepath: /Apps/IFTTT/Sifttter
  dayone_local_filepath: /Users/daddy/.sifttter/dayone
  dayone_remote_filepath: /Apps/Day\ One/Journal.dayone/entries
  base_filepath: /usr/local/opt
  dbu_filepath: /usr/local/opt/Dropbox-Uploader
  exe_filepath: /usr/local/opt/Dropbox-Uploader/