back-stack / showcase

The showcase implementation of The BACK stack
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Make cloud providers modular and optional #12

Open morey-tech opened 6 months ago

morey-tech commented 6 months ago

The quickstart currently requires Azure and AWS credentials and doesn't support GCP. This becomes a barrier for people to spin up the BACK stack if they don't have those accounts.

Desired outcome: each cloud provider should be opt-in so that users can get started with whatever cloud provider they prefer.

Implementation details are up for discussion on the issue.

kurktchiev commented 5 months ago

So, as it stands with the new Porter install, clouds ARE optional, and the documentation needs more clarity in this spot. What you end up with, though, is needing help to provision clusters. What this starts us down is:

kurktchiev commented 5 months ago

this ties into so might mark one a dupe of the other

agardnerIT commented 3 months ago

This confused me too. I want to spin up (experiment) locally with kind and yet I'm still asked for AWS and Azure creds.