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New install questions #55

Closed danielsollondon closed 3 months ago

danielsollondon commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am following the steps to install on KinD.

I run: porter credentials generate back-stack-cloud-creds \ --reference

Then I am asked for setting these values and have these questions:

How would you like to set credential "aws-credentials" Question: I only have access to Azure, if I leave this blank now I get an error running the install command, what should this be set to?

How would you like to set credential "kubeconfig" Question - in the doc it mentions leaving the kubeconfig empty, if I leave this blank now I get an error running the install command, what should this be set to?

How would you like to set credential "vault-token" Question - what vault token is this, is there something I need to create first?


kurktchiev commented 3 months ago

I admit the docs need to be more precise with your questions.

You technically do not need to pass in credentials if you do not want to. You would not be able to provision things in the cloud, but the stack will stand up outside of that.

Yeah, this is something we need to improve a little bit. You can pass in nothing and, after creation, edit the credentials set to remove the kubeconfig section porter credentials edit.....

The vault token should be set to specific value to root. This is just the token used internally for Vault.

kurktchiev commented 3 months ago

yeah this is definetly a bit that we need to make the docs clearer on. So if you make a credential set that is created inside porter and stored, which is why I was saying you would want to post creation edit the credentials and remove the blocks for aws-credentials (or at least set them to value: nocreds-for-you-today), kubeconfig and vault.

So as an example my local credentials file looks like this:

schemaType: CredentialSet
 schemaVersion: 1.0.1
 namespace: default
 name: back-stack-cloud-creds
   - name: aws-credentials
        value: addlater
   - name: azure-credentials
        value: addlater
   - name: github-token
       value: addlater
   - name: vault-token
       value: root
danielsollondon commented 3 months ago

That worked - thank you @kurktchiev !