backdrop-contrib / backdrop-drush-extension

A set of commands and boot class for Drush and Backdrop CMS.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Drush 8 EOL November 2022 #252

Closed gitressa closed 2 years ago

gitressa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for creating and maintaining Drush integration for Backdrop! It works quite well, and I have just created an MR ( which adds drush site:install command for the Getting Started with Backdrop page.

I just saw that Drush 8 is EOL by November 2022, so I was wondering if the plan is to try extending Drush 8, or perhaps integrate Drush 11?

serundeputy commented 2 years ago

Thanks @gitressa

I think the plan is

gitressa commented 2 years ago

Ah cool, thanks! I quickly tried to add it with the info found at but am getting this message:

~/backdrop$ lando bee
/bin/sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/bee/bee.php: not found

I'll do some more testing later.

Perhaps the backdrop-drush-extension README could include a link to the replacement Bee?

gitressa commented 2 years ago

I now see that is mentioned, but as "Backdrop Console", not "Bee" ... interesting that the same tool has two names :)

Perhaps show both names, like this? (or vice versa)

... consider using Bee (aka "Backdrop Console")

gitressa commented 2 years ago

It just dawned on me that the Drush 8 EOL date might be extended:

stpaultim commented 2 years ago

@gitressa - Bee started out as Backdrop Console and the name was changed to Bee.

gitressa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for explaining the reason behind the two names @stpaultim.

On another note, Drush 8 will support Drupal 7 (and Backdrop I assume) until November 2023, @greg-1-anderson just commented:

Yes, the documentation is out of date. Drush 8 will continue to be supported for the lifetime of Drupal 7.