backdrop-contrib / zeever

Theme (in development) for a digital agency website
GNU General Public License v2.0
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About block #6

Closed stpaultim closed 2 days ago

stpaultim commented 1 month ago

I'm looking for feedback on how to best handle this block.

Is this one complicated custom block? Are "Team Work", "Philosophy", and "Office" Cards?

How do we structure this section and provide the necessary sample content.


stpaultim commented 1 month ago

We talked about this in office hours today and I think I would like to create Pages for each of these items.

This might require modifying the existing "Page" content type. I'm still not sure exactly how this would be configured. One possible solution would be to create a custom block that permitted a person to add links to three nodes and then displays them like this or even offers multiple layout options.

I wonder if Mini-Layouts might also be a solution for this.

stpaultim commented 3 days ago

I decided to try something different. I created a special module that creates a special block type that works for this region. The new module is currently called "Image Grid Block."

I have yet to move it to the Backdrop CMS contrib space. Hoping to get feedback on the name, before I move it. It is available for testing:

Warning. There is some hacky code in it.

It created this block with any three images. The person using it can select which image should be larger and has the option to link each image to a page.


The UI is looking like this for now:



stpaultim commented 2 days ago

Solved two big problems today with the help of @hosef.

1) Changed the caption/text field to a textarea field instead of a text_format field. This simplifies the UI quite a bit. 2) Was able to get this block loading as part of the Digital Agency package.

This is what we see, as of today, after installing and enabling the Digital Agency Recipe Package.


More could be done in this area, but I think we'll close this issue and move along.