backdrop-ops / backdrop-community

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Find a better way for beginners to discuss and learn about contrib projects #18

Open stpaultim opened 2 years ago

stpaultim commented 2 years ago

Dianne has put forward an idea for using the forum as a place to talk about individual contrib modules. If I understand her proposal, I believe that she is suggesting something along the lines of a forum topic for each contrib project along with some information about each module.

My understanding of the problem that Dianne is trying to solve is to make it easier for beginners to find, ask questions, and evaluate contrib modules without having to navigate Github (which can be an intimidating place for some beginners). Yes, some of this information is already available on, but there is no place to post comments or ask questions without going to Github and many of our end users are not comfortable on Github.

I have phrased the issue title differently, because while I am interested in this specific solution, I'm also open to other solutions to this problem.


There is no sufficiently easy to access and inviting place for folks evaluating Backdrop or just getting started to ask questions or comment on contrib modules.


Providing a designated place for each contrib module on our existing forum site.


ghost commented 2 years ago

Individual GitHub contrib repos can enable the Discussions feature, which I believe was designed for exactly this purpose, however it's still using GitHub...

yorkshire-pudding commented 2 years ago

I think forum probably is the place for this as we see plenty of newbies there who don't come to Zulip or github. However we need to think about the user journey and this might require a sub section of the forum with a different way to navigate; If there was a category/forum for each module it could quickly swamp the more generic topics, but if there were an easy way to show just the topics with active discussion that might help. Perhaps a link from the project page of to ask a question about the module? We might need to enable tagging so people tagged get a notification, or (and this ties into other discussion about maintainer information) a way to notify maintainers if someone asks a question about a module.

Just a few thoughts to add to the mix