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A queue for all the things that are not directly related to another project.
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[META] and SEO Task Force #25

Open rayjamesdev opened 1 year ago

rayjamesdev commented 1 year ago

This group meets during the second half of office hours each week. The TODO list in this top message will be updated regularly to reflect current progress.


Reports Needed:

What counts as a Conversion and/or what is important data/behavior to track?:

rayjamesdev commented 1 year ago

Meeting notes from 04/05/2023


Links shared in meeting:

jenlampton commented 1 year ago

backlinks from backdrop github project pages to project page on backdrop site

I wonder if we can automate this.

rayjamesdev commented 1 year ago

04/12/2023 Meeting Notes:

yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

backlinks from backdrop github project pages to project page on backdrop site.

All mine (except bee) have backlinks to However, the noopener noreferrer nofollow tags are added to the link under "About" and nofollow is added to any in the README. How much SEO benefit do these links generate? I guess it's not zero, but not as good as a link without any of these tage.

<a title="" role="link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" class="text-bold" href=""></a>
jenlampton commented 1 year ago

We added those attributes to backdrop links as part of a fix for a security issue. I bet GitHub did the same.

yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

However, some aspects of the backdrop-contrib projects we could work on are:


Readme's could be looked at as many have too many drupal mentions where the readme has not been ported. Yes, we need some mentions, but we should link to Backdrop installation instructions and talk more about Backdrop CMS. The more mentions of "backdropcms" or "Backdrop CMS" we get out there, even if the links aren't spidered, then we raise exposure.

keiserjb commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering about the github projects surfacing in Google searches. I've been working with Views Natural Sort both in Backdrop and Drupal.

I'm searching for this, which is in the Backdrop issue queue.

Notice: Undefined property: File::$name in views_natural_sort_views_natural_sort_queue_rebuild_data() (line 146 of /var/www/html/backdrop1/modules/contrib/views_natural_sort/views_natural_sort.module).
Notice: Undefined property: File::$mime in views_natural_sort_views_natural_sort_queue_rebuild_data() (line 146 of /var/www/html/backdrop1/modules/contrib/views_natural_sort/views_natural_sort.module).

I get the Drupal issue at the top of my search results. Backdrop is not there.


yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

Some discussion here about what gets indexed and why. I can't find out why issues are not being indexed; someone on that discussion reported it after moving, but these orgs have been around for a long time. I have found that readme and the About section is indexed so the more we mention Backdrop there, the better.

keiserjb commented 1 year ago

We probably have little control over what GitHub does but it could be the root of the problem when we Google errors. Most users are not going to start by searching inside GitHub for core or contrib issues because they don't know to go there.

yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

Perhaps we could use the API to expose outside? Do your React headless skills lend themselves to this kind of thing?

keiserjb commented 1 year ago

An interesting idea but that is larger than anything I have attempted.

keiserjb commented 1 year ago we could publish our repos and issue queues with GitHub pages?

jenlampton commented 1 year ago

I do have success googling error messages and getting github issues as results (sometimes). I don't think having duplicate content will help us at all -- google hates that and may penalize our site if it finds we are duplicating other content it already has indexed.

yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

What if we didn't duplicate the content, but had a list of titles with links to the issues?

jenlampton commented 1 year ago

Would duplicating the titles be helpful? I find they are often "My thing is broken" and the real value is in the description and/or comment thread. (But it would be an alternative that wouldn't get penalized!)

yorkshire-pudding commented 1 year ago

My thoughts were that the value is we could add links to the issues without any nofollow tags so we could ensure that they got indexed. I think that would work as I couldn't find any tags that would stop it and the robots.txt doesn't exclude individual issues, just the search page.

keiserjb commented 1 year ago

I can understand the penalties but the end result of somehow getting the issue queues with all of the comments indexed might be worth it.

jenlampton commented 1 year ago

Can we check on the new feature issues in core issue queue? Because we already have links to those issues on the forum site.

If those are getting the attention we want, we'll know that this will help.