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Get Backdrop into the news on other non-backdrop focused sites #126

Open jenlampton opened 8 years ago

jenlampton commented 8 years ago


News / Blogs:

Other places?

How do we find places that are outside our usual reach?

Follow-up from

sutibun commented 8 years ago

I can write a post. I already have two potential titles in mind.

The fork on the road to Drupal 8


Drupal users pushing back on proposition "D8"

No steal my titles.

Anyway, if you combine this with what I wrote, then we can do the following

  1. Publish a guest post on a popular blog read by Drupal users
  2. Pay FB to promote that guest post to even more Drupal users

But concerning this specific ticket, I think the first thing we need to ask is:

If every Bd user here can reply, we can get a sense (well, mostly me because I'm clueless) of where our current Bd users read Drupal stuff and thus where we guest post so we can find more like our Bd users.

Basically, first let's figure out where we can guest post. Then we can worry about the content.

Though will add: we shouldn't try to target popular WP or other CMS related blogs. Just Drupal-related.

cellear commented 5 years ago

Todo: list of non-Drupal podcasts, blogs etc.


List of recent "modern" "competitor" CMSes (for example, Ghost, October, Bloomreach)

ghost commented 5 years ago

I follow this blog: and they have an option for submitting ideas for review:

They focus on Free and Open Source Software, so I think it'd be a good fit for Backdrop.

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

@BWPanda I've submitted Backdrop as an idea, thanks for the recommendation!

Podcast follow ups:

News / Blog outreach: