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Community spotlight #165

Open jenlampton opened 8 years ago

jenlampton commented 8 years ago

As a follow up from, and we'd like to do community spotlights on some of the fantastic members of our community.

We have some fantastic community members I'd love to spotlight. I would love it if we could get a volunteer to write up little highlights, maybe once a month or so, on one person or another, and give them a little more credit for all the awesome things that are happening. I'm going to add a short-list of people I'd love to see thanked to the top issue here.

Possible interview questions:

Anyone with interviewing/writing skills could take on this task :)

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@klonos - Would you like to be interviewed for the Community Spotlight?

Would like to get a photo of you doing something other than sitting at a desk. Possibly a location to show what country you are from or working in (your choice). Background of something recognizable to many would be cool. That or doing something you enjoy. Makes us seem more human when we are not doing head and shoulders shots or posing in front of a computer screen.

Respond by answering these questions in 2-3 sentences max (nobody will want to read a thesis).

  1. Why are you working on/for/with Backdrop CMS?

  2. How have you found working with the community?

  3. Do you use Backdrop for/with your day-job?

  4. What do you like the most about it?

  5. Who do you envision being best served by Backdrop and why?

That's it! Let me know if you can knock that out for me in the near future.

Thanks! Tom

klonos commented 7 years ago

Would like to get a photo of you doing something other than sitting at a desk.

Hmm, that'll be hard. a) I don't take many photos of myself b) I'm mostly always sitting at a desk πŸ˜„ ...lets see if my wife has any good on her phone from when they visited a couple of months ago.

... That or doing something you enjoy.

Err, that'd be contributing to Backdrop ...and once again involves me sitting at a desk, in front of a computer πŸ˜„

klonos commented 7 years ago

...I'll see if I can get my brother to take a photo of me near a landmark in Melbourne. I'll get back to you @tomgrandy

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@klonos - Any luck getting a photo of yourself in Melbourne?

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@jenlampton - I have an interview complete with @serundeputy and wondered if we wanted to create a content type for Community Spotlight articles or put simply them in with the news/blogs?

Might be nice to keep all the CS articles together rather than interspersed in with others.

My two cents.

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

First Community Spotlight published as news/blog on @serundeputy πŸ‘

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago


jackaponte commented 7 years ago

...wondered if we wanted to create a content type for Community Spotlight articles or put simply them in with the news/blogs?

Might be nice to keep all the CS articles together rather than interspersed in with others.

Or perhaps a "Community Spotlight" taxonomy term that can be added to the existing content type used for news/blogs? (Unless community spotlight pieces really necessitate a different content type with different fields, layout, etc!)

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@jackaponte - Great idea for using a taxonomy term! Keeping the Community Spotlight in the News section is probably best to keep it updated more frequently. Thanks!

klonos commented 7 years ago

Or perhaps a "Community Spotlight" taxonomy term that can be added to the existing content type used for news/blogs? ... Tag++ .. Great idea for using a taxonomy term!

Done! πŸ˜„

I love music and have been playing in bands since about the age of 15. My latest project is called the_understatements.

@serundeputy is there any recording of your band available online? What kind of music do you guys play?

@tomgrandy no, I did not manage to find or get a photo of myself. Apparently, I have no life Down Under 😞

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@klonos - In the story there is a link to the band that takes you to their FB page where you can listen to some of their recordings. Go here to get directly to the audio and video.

klonos commented 7 years ago

Thanx @tomgrandy ...I'm such a caveman. I don't know how to use the facebooks and twitters πŸ˜„

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

I am looking for names/contact information of people you may know who are involved in the Backdrop community either as part of the development of Backdrop project, creators of Backdrop sites, or owners of sites built on Backdrop to be the focus of the monthly Community Spotlight series to be featured on the site.

The intent is to extend the number of people who I could possibly interview by reaching out to those of you who have been around here far longer than I have.

If you know of a person or company that you think would be an ideal candidate to to be interviewed, please respond with some lead information (name, company, contact) that I could use to follow up with. If it is someone you know personally, an intro prior to me contacting them would be awesome!


jackaponte commented 7 years ago

I'm looking forward to recommending someone from my client whose site we recently launched in Backdrop, as they took a chance on Backdrop, invested money in module ports etc, and seem to be quite pleased thus far! But I think it makes sense to do so after they've had time to use the site (they've barely gotten to explore it yet.) Thanks for doing this work, @tomgrandy!

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@jackaponte - Awesome to hear you may be able to recommend a client who has been pleased with their Backdrop experience. Once they have had some time to use the site, I would love to interview them. Thanks!

jenlampton commented 7 years ago

@tomgrandy I have one too, his name is Brian Frias and he was a speaker at the Backdrop summit at Badcamp last year. He's ready to talk any time if you'd like to reach out to him. Contact me for his info! :)

tomgrandy commented 7 years ago

@jenlampton - Excellent! Thanks!

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

@tomgrandy how's it going with the spotlight? Do you need another person to interview yet? If so I may have one for you :)

tomgrandy commented 6 years ago

@jenlampton - I'm open to anyone at this point.

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

I've added a few more names to the list :)

ghost commented 6 years ago

@jenlampton Awww, thanks!

ghost commented 2 years ago

Anything happening with this, or did it die?