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Put 'latest' release links in place and make sure they always point to the latest release. #298

Open klonos opened 7 years ago

klonos commented 7 years ago

From by @pirog

i think kalabox should always grab the latest upstream version of the backdrop image so once that gets rolled in by the docker folks we can stop disseminating less secure versions of your codebase to all the people who are using KB without Pantheon :)

I think that a "static" link like is in order. It should currently point to, but in general we should be updating it to point to latest stable.

Very much related:

...or we could automate this if possible 😉 :

pirog commented 7 years ago

@klonos first of all +1 for a latest release download.

For the docker part of this: FWIW it seems to be a docker convention to actually go in and do the manual version bumps (this way we can track/preserve images for every version) instead of relying on a "" that we could "set and forget".

klonos commented 7 years ago

Seems that there is a way to get to the latest release page, but no way to get the latest release file. So, works, but not. Hmm.

ghost commented 4 years ago links to the latest zip file release.

I think we should link to this instead of the specific version (and have to keep updating it) on the homepage.