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Provide a "Roles / responsibilities / Points of contact" page #467

Open oadaeh opened 6 years ago

oadaeh commented 6 years ago

I'm also not sure I created this ticket in the correct queue, but I couldn't find anything that seemed better. Also, if the title needs to be changed to better represent the scope or focus of this as it morphs, that's fine, too.

Okay, so I stirred this pot a few weeks ago and haven't been able to follow up, due to my schedule. I have not forgotten, and I have been thinking about what I think needs to exist. I'm not sure I know the best way to get there, but I've started with what I think is a good start. I am sure others will have suggestions that might be better than mine or that might improve what I've presented.

What I think needs to exist are two things:

  1. ~For the product, restore the MAINTAINERS.txt (or .md) file that lists all the modules and subsystems in Backdrop CMS and who has said they can and/or will be a point of contact for and help maintain that item. For items that have had multiple volunteers/maintainers step up, list them all. For items that have had no volunteers/maintainers step up, list them, too, without anyone's name (Drupal just uses a question mark).~ See

  2. For all other parts of the project (except contrib), add something like an org chart on, maybe on the Leadership page, or on some other page, or on its own page. (I imagine it to be rather large, so maybe its own page would be best, but that's a detail that can be worked out later.) On that page, list every piece of the project and the people who can and will do various things with, to, on, or for that piece. This should include all websites (,,, etc.), code repositories (GitHub, Packagist, etc.), external services and accounts (Pantheon,, Facebook?, Reddit?, Wikipedia, Gitter, etc. [not the login details, just who does stuff with/on them]). It should also include the things Gor and Justin take care of (and anything else like that I don't know about). I don't know what all there is, and I occasionally stumble on something new I hadn't known about previously, so I have not included an exhaustive list here.

(The third thing that might need this is already taken care of, and that is the contrib space. Those projects already have Maintainers items in their files. I'm sure there are projects that are not up to date and/or maintained any more. However, I think keeping up on that is not a priority, due to the structure. It's easy enough to contact any current maintainers and to transfer the project if the current maintainers are no longer responsive.)

I think that creating and displaying an all encompassing list like item 2 somewhere will point out two potential bottlenecks or road blocks: components where there is no fail-over or backup person, and people who have too much on their plate and might need or want some help. However, this is more about letting people know who to contact if they have a question about something and don't really know where to go or who to turn to (so Nate and Jen aren't always the first people pinged), but also helping maintain the workload before it becomes overwhelming is important, too.

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

I don't think we want any of the people that are maintainers, for example, to be the point of contact for anything. They already have enough on their plates.

Can we rename this issue to something like "Document all leadership structures" and/or "Document where to find issue queues" that might still address all your itemized points of concern?

kreynen commented 6 years ago

I would volunteer to be part of a "team" that manages That really isn't usable other than with dev in SFTP mode without some of those PRs. @herbdool?

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

That really isn't usable other than with dev in SFTP mode without some of those PRs

How so? I use it for all my Backdrop sites on Pantheon and the only problems I've ever had are related to the Pantheon Valhalla file system corrupting json files. But maybe we should take this conversation over to the Pantheon queue...

herbdool commented 6 years ago

I can take a look at those PRs soon though I don't have a Backdrop site on Pantheon at the moment.

stpaultim commented 5 years ago

I believe that in response to this issue we created a page on for "Issue queues, repositories, and more!"

Since I can, I just made a small edit to that page with a clue regarding which issue queue to use for marketing/promotion issues. I suggested this issue queue based upon already existing "Marketing" type issues in that queue.

I'd like someone to verify my changes, edit them, and/or revert them if necessary.

I've highlighted the sentence that I added.


jenlampton commented 5 years ago

looks great @stpaultim, thanks! I removed " the BackdropCMS community as well as" because I'm not sure we have any community issues in the borg queue? (or maybe I don't know what that means?) If there's another class of issue maybe we should identify that specifically?

I also linked to the outreach issue label directly :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

I was just asking about this in Gitter:

Is there a document/webpage somewhere that lists all the people with access to something and what that something is? E.g. Backdrop servers, websites, accounts, etc. This would include: server, Gitter bot server, API site/server, Zoom account, Google account (Docs, etc.)... If not, I recommend setting one up for documentation and transparency.

I ask because I believe there are bottlenecks that need to be addressed, and to promote transparency of the project/community.

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

I've copied the maintainers.txt part of this issue over to the core queue so we can focus on roles & responsibilities in this issue.

But I think the rest of this is a great idea :) Here's a start, anyone who can edit, please edit:

stpaultim commented 1 year ago

I did not know that this page exists. I think we should look at how useful this is AND maybe if it's visible enough. Where should this information be or where should links be to help people in need find this page.