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Backdrop Planet? #472

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Has there been any discussion on a Drupal Planet-type of community blog for Backdrop? I ask mainly because I'd love to read more about what others are doing with Backdrop, what modules/themes they use/recommend, and tutorials on using Backdrop. I could maybe also contribute an article or two...

stpaultim commented 5 years ago

I know that this discussion has come up and there has been some discussion about it. To my knowledge, the answer so far has been than anyone can submit articles to the Backdrop blog. I don't know if there is any objection to creating a feed like Backdrop Planet, I suspect that the main concern is that there is not enough content yet.

I'm in the process of creating the agenda for next weeks outreach meeting (Geoff told me to :-), in case I get in trouble) and will put this issue on the agenda.

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

The Backdrop blog itself is currently being used for this - since anyone with an account can create a blog post. I'm not sure there is enough volume of posts to warrant a Planet yet, but I'd be in support of one if there were. Right now we are collecting posts on other sites via the "mentions" section on borg:

ghost commented 5 years ago

@jenlampton How do 'mentions' work? What's the code running that page? Also, is there an RSS feed for the 'mentions' page?

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

@bwpanda it's a content type and a view. I believe anyone can add a link? Moderated. Not sure if there's a feed, but that would be easy enough to set up!

ghost commented 5 years ago

@jenlampton Oh right, I thought it was automated somehow :-) An RSS feed would be nice, pretty please!

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

I have scheduled some tweets to get a sense of whether people would 1) subscribe to a backdrop planet and 2) generate enough Backdrop content to support one (yet). I will follow up in 2 weeks and note the responses here :)

edit: @BWPanda here's your feed:

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

whether people would 1) subscribe to a backdrop planet

Good news, it looks like we have a lot of positive interest in a Backdrop Planet! Unfortunately I haven't gotten any feedback as to whether people are creating Backdrop content to put into the planet.

I'm going to schedule a few more tweets, but think we should maybe hold off on this until we get @stpaultim's content schedule going. As long as we have content to feed everyone, a Planet feed is a good idea!

klonos commented 5 years ago

@BWPanda the main source of the mentions section is myself some point a couple of years ago I added the content type and the view (I think @jenlampton helped with that too), then I just googled "Backdrop CMS" and went through the first dozen of results pages, adding the mentions in

Every now and then, I perform that google search, or I just happen to come across Backdrop mentions via other ways, and add more mentions in the list. If anyone is interested in helping with this ongoing task, please let me know and I'll get you on board 😄

jenlampton commented 5 years ago

Aggregator module is now on the live site if someone wants to play with it (note: make access limited to admins only until we’re sure it looks nice)

If you need a site URL to test, I set one up on my site:

Did we decide on a process for adding a blog to the planet. Maybe a GitHub queue under Backdrop-Ops?