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Clarify (and improve) caching of content on #723

Open stpaultim opened 3 years ago

stpaultim commented 3 years ago

I'm always confused when I add content to Backdrop CMS, because it does not show up for quite a while. Clearing the cache does not help, but the content eventually shows up. I'm not sure if this is Backdrop CMS caching at play, server caching, or if we are using Cloudflare to cache content.

But, I'm experiencing this when logged in with Developer and Editor roles.

This is much more aggressive caching than I am used to. I would like:

1) At least to understand what is going on here (maybe I should be doing this on my other sites). 2) Possible create a way for content editors to bypass this cache to view the content they have just created (instead of having to come back 30 minutes later to verify that it's displaying as expected).

stpaultim commented 3 years ago

OK, to clarify. I was being silly and trying to post events that were dated in the past (which meant that my content did not appear for logical reasons). So, this does not seem to be a problem with events or mentions that are properly created. However, I do experience this for external notifications and some other types of content. At least, I would like to better understand what is happening.