backdrop-ops / contrib

Apply to join the contributed code developer team.
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Contrib Group Application: AleMadLei + salesforce #783

Open AleMadLei opened 3 weeks ago

AleMadLei commented 3 weeks ago

Hello and welcome to the contrib application process! We're happy to have you :)

Please indicate how you intend to help the Backdrop community by joining this group I would like to contribute a project port

Based on your selection above, please provide the following information:

Salesforce Suite

Post a link here to an issue in the queue notifying the Drupal 7 maintainers that you are working on a Backdrop port of their project**

Post a link to your new Backdrop project under your own GitHub account (option 1)

If you have chosen option 2 or 1 above, do you agree to the Backdrop Contributed Project Agreement YES

jenlampton commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @AleMadLei and welcome!

In order to send you an invite to join the contrib group, your project needs to only meet these 3 requirements for new contrib projects:

Could you please rename the README.txt file to and ajust the contents to use markdown formatting? (This is particularly important because the contents of this file are used to create the project page on

We provide an example file that many people find helpful since some sections that were not in the Drupal READMEs are required for Backdrop.

Once that change is made we can send you an invitation to join the contrib group!

AleMadLei commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @jenlampton , thank you for the review!

I've updated the README file as requested.

Let me know if there's anything else that is expected.

jenlampton commented 2 weeks ago

Beautiful, all three requirements are met, so an invitation to join the contrib group is on the way! 🎉

Once you have accepted the invitation, feel free to transfer the repository into the backdrop-contrib group at any time (you can ask here if you have questions).