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Contrib Group Application: All in One Accessibility #794

Open skynetindia opened 2 months ago

skynetindia commented 2 months ago

Hello Backdrop Team,

Greetings from Skynet Technologies USA LLC.

We developed our All in One Accessibility module on Backdrop and want to publish it with the Backdrop modules list repo.

The All in One Accessibility is an AI-based accessibility tool, it improves website WCAG 2.2 ADA and other Global compliance standards and helps the Blind, Motor Impaired, Visually Impaired, Color Blind, Dyslexia, Cognitive and learning, Seizure & Epileptic, ADHD etc., user access website / Digital content. It supports over 140 languages and has Addons for Document / PDF Compliance remediation, Language translation as per accessibility user needs, and other Customization.

Please find the required details for joining the Contrib group.

Please indicate how you intend to help the Backdrop community by joining this group

Based on your selection above, please provide the following information:

(option 1) The name of your module, theme, or layout All in One Accessibility

(option 1) Please note these 3 requirements for new contrib projects:

(option 1 -- optional) Post a link here to an issue in the queue notifying the Drupal 7 maintainers that you are working on a Backdrop port of their project

Post a link to your new Backdrop project under your own GitHub account (option 1)

stpaultim commented 2 months ago

@skynetindia Sorry for the lack of response. I'll see if we can't get someone to follow-up here.

skynetindia commented 2 months ago

@stpaultim Thanks for the response. We are eagerly waiting for some response. Hope someone gonna response soon

jenlampton commented 2 months ago

Hello @skynetindia and welcome! We will need a few things from you to join contrib.

We will need you to answer the following:

If you have chosen option 2 or 1 above, do you agree to the Backdrop Contributed Project Agreement

These are the requirements for joining the contrib group:

Please see the example file provided for which sections are required and which are optional. The following sections are missing:


You need to include a link to the official Backdrop issue queue.

Item #7 in the Backdrop Contributed Project Agreement states: Any project you create or maintain will have the GitHub issue tracker enabled for official communication.

It may be helpful to clarify which kinds of issues you would like reported in which place. Since most our community will be using the official issue queue, you should expect to triage that list and refer people to your internal support system when a problem is beyond the scope of the code managed here.

Current Maintainers

Please add the Name(s) of the current maintainer(s) and link to their GitHub profile(s). You are welcome to list Skynet Technologies USA LLC under the Credits section, but we will need to know which people we should contact in the case of a security issue. An organization is not sufficient here.


I suspect you can change the About section to Credits since it contains the same information. You may also want to move the links from the Acknowledgements section to Documentation, since there aren't any acknowledgements in there. :)


Though you included the License.txt file as requested, you have not included the matching section in the readme.

-- I'm also going to do a quick code review, but though items in this comment are requirements, items in my next comment will be suggestions only.

jenlampton commented 2 months ago

The following is a list of suggested improvements to the module. Take or leave them as you see fit! We do this review specifically looking for things that may be helpful for those who are new to Backdrop. :)

There are a few other issues with the file that should probably also be addressed. These files are parsed and used to generate the "Project" page on, so it is helpful for everyone if the markdown and content is consistent with other projects. Here are a few suggested changes:


This file includes an upgrade from Drupal 7. Is there a Drupal 7 version of this module? I was unable to find a release for one at

The <style> tag here should be removed. How to include CSS on only the admin page is demonstrated in the metatag module. Create a new css file named /allinoneaccessibility.admin.css. Locate the file using backdrop_get_path(). Load the file onto the admin form using #attached via the Form API.


The menu callback here uses the permission administer allinoneaccessibility but the module does not implement hook_permission() to define this permission. (There's a docblock for it, but the function itself is missing). Metatag also has an example of how to implement this hook if needed.

I hope this information is helpful :)

klonos commented 2 months ago

@skynetindia is this the same technology as used/provided by the module in Drupal, or different? If it is the same, then the project name should also be all_in_one_accessibility instead of backdrop_allinoneaccessibility.

stpaultim commented 2 weeks ago

@skynetindia Just following up to see if your still interested and if there is anything we can do to help out?