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Recommended updates for the module port page #114

Open jenlampton opened 3 years ago

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

Original issue from @VasasA at

I improved a document from Original: Converting modules to Backdrop from Drupal 7 Improved draft Changes:

I hope it will be useful. Please fix the errors :smiley:

Other sources:

herbdool commented 3 years ago

I've left some comments on @VasasA branch. Can you create a PR to this project please?

VasasA commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I cannot create a PR, because the document file of "Converting modules to Backdrop from Drupal 7" isn't in repository. The changes of the document are shown by the commits of my repo:

@herbdool Thank You for the review and the suggestions!

@cellear Should I do something for the changes are ready to publish?

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

PRs are for code changes, text shouldn't be managed in Git. Soon, we'll we able to give you an account on the docs site where you can recommend changes to the text.

Thanks for all the suggestions, and for helping with improvements!

bugfolder commented 3 years ago

I just added two comments to changes.

Would love to see in the docs a description of how best to suggest changes to the docs.

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

For now -- this is very useful (we don't yet have a better way) but soon that will all be changing!

bugfolder commented 3 years ago

These changes (and a few more) are now implemented on Converting Modules from Drupal 7. Thanks, @VasasA , for putting all this together!

VasasA commented 3 years ago

I am happy to help! :smile:

VasasA commented 3 years ago

@bugfolder Special thanks for your useful comments and the editor work! :+1:

There are some typos:


Node entity has a langcode property instead of language property.


If the module implements hook_schema(), hook_install() will create the schema.


now has a langcode property instead of language property. Replace it.

And there are two sections in my document what are missing from the page:


[list of modules](

bugfolder commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Think I got all those now. (It was a bit tedious working from multiple change files expressed as diffs relative to Markdown and interpreting those into changes relative to the HTML that is the actual source for that page. For example, code is surrounded by <code> tags, not backticks.)

I've got one more section that I intend to add to the CMI section: dealing with default things in code, like hook_views_default_views() and hook_default_image_styles(). So that's to come.

VasasA commented 3 years ago

@bugfolder Thank You very much! :+1: