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CKEditor 5 - Weird behavior when editing node or comment with image in body. #150

Open stpaultim opened 2 months ago

stpaultim commented 2 months ago

I am finding that if I create a post or comment on the forum with an image in it, after saving the node or comment and coming back to edit it, I'm asked to activate CKEditor 5. Despite the fact that CKEditor was active when I originally saved the node or comment.

This does not happen with nodes or comments that do not have images or screenshots.

CKEditor 5 is working upon creation of post with image, but when I come back to edit it, I'm asked to activate CKEditor. image

indigoxela commented 2 months ago

@stpaultim I happen to know, which forum post, you're referring to. :wink: As an answer to that post, I also posted a comment with an image in it. But I don't see the same behavior as you do. When I open the comment form again, the editor simply loads without warning.

Hermanski-NL commented 1 month ago

Same behaviour here @stpaultim @indigoxela Chrome on Windows 10

stpaultim commented 1 month ago

@indigoxela and @jenlampton

I just tested this again with both a comment and a new post (I deleted both afterwards). Here are steps to reproduce:

1) Open a new forum post, add some text and an image. CKEditor 5 appears to be the active editor.


2) Save post, then come back to edit and see this:


3) Click to activate CKEditor 5 and save

4) Come back to edit again and everything is working as expected. No problems.

I have experienced the same thing on a client site that was upgraded from Drupal 7.

I believe that when I raised this issue at a developer meeting, folks responded as if this is a known issue. Maybe, I need to open an issue in the core issue queue.

Hermanski-NL commented 1 month ago

@stpaultim exactly the same here. New to Backdrop CMS, but very much liking it so far.