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META - Improve UI for following and unfollowing forums and conversations. #74

Open stpaultim opened 5 years ago

stpaultim commented 5 years ago

I was just engaging with a forum user to help clear up confusion about how to quit receiving email notifications for new forum topics and I found quite a few opportunities to improve the user experience in this area. Going to create this META topic now and can possibly break it into smaller issues later.

1) The "Following" link in header is confusing to me. It's not clear to me that these would be the topics I am following and it never occurred to me to look there. This looks like part of the main site navigation, not something specific to me.


2) The button to follow a specific topic says "follow this conversation." Can we be more consistent about how we use the terms "topic" and "conversation"?

3) The terms "Forum" and "Category" seem to be used interchangeably to some confusion. I think we should be consistent with how we use these terms.

4) It's very difficult to tell if you are subscribed to a specific forum category. You can not subscribe to or unsubscribe from a forum category on either of the pages it would make sense.

Rather you must find a button at the bottom of the right column on an individual topic page to subscribe or unsubscribe from a category/forum. I think we should provide the ability to see which categories you are subscribed to on the main category page and to subscribe and unsubscribe there.

5) The difference between following and being subscribed to a forum topic is not clear and managed poorly. Ideally, on this page: I could follow/unfollow and enable/disable email for each topic. Right now I need to manage whether I'm following a topic here:

And I manage whether email is enabled here:

It's also confusing, because topics don't show up on the subscription page until you subscribe. But, if you unsubscribe (disable email) they stay there, waiting to be re-enabled. At a minimum, it would be nice to have some help text on this page explaining what is going on and how to use this page.

Related Issues: Unsubscribe forum category link missing in the new topic notification