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Install Organic Groups + required modules #12

Closed olafgrabienski closed 6 years ago

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

To get the groups functionality for translation teams working, we need a couple of Drupal 7 modules on the site, primarily Organic groups plus some required modules.

@serundeputy Are you up to install the following modules for the translation server? (Installation via the user interface is asking for FTP credentials.)

Needed Module / version by the time of writing:

@robertgarrigos tested the modules and their configuration on his own test site. See details on and following comments:

Also, something we could add to the website is the organics groups module. It is a good way of managing teams and, most important, to have some specific language information made by the team itself. This is how works, in fact. (...)

I had installed Organic Groups in my testing site ( and have documented the setting process. It looks like it's working quite well, but I had to change roles, as they are mainly managed by the og module. So, there is now a site wide role for a groups manager, which is language group manager. This role assigns other og roles, mainly a group administrator, who creates any group related content (pages or posts) and a group description. Any registered user can join any group and add translation suggestions, which are approved, or not, by the translator supervisor. (...)

Added some functionality about notification of new members. I added also rules module and tuned the permissions. (...)

serundeputy commented 6 years ago

@olafgrabienski I can install; I won't be able to deploy (no access) Once installed i'll update the issue and assign to Jen.

serundeputy commented 6 years ago

@olafgrabienski I've added the requested modules and a localization_core custom module to handle enabling them.

Once this is deployed visit: /admin/modules and enable the Localizaton Core module and that should enable all the requested modules.

@jenlampton please deploy when you get a chance.


olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

Thanks @serundeputy, very kind! Looking forward to deployment!

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

on it!

jenlampton commented 6 years ago

Deployed and enabled Localization Core.

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

robertgarrigos commented 6 years ago

@olafgrabienski could you add the catalan language? I would use it as a test when ready if that's ok. thanks

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

@robertgarrigos Sure, will add it! I hope to start with the configuration tasks today.