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Host translation files for Backdrop CMS.
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Provide exact match search option at the translate filter that applies to the contains input field #50

Open lourdas opened 6 months ago

lourdas commented 6 months ago

It would really make the translator's job easier if there was a additional filter option (as a checkbox) for exact match of the contains input field, something like this:


Use case: I want to search for the word field, but since this appears hundreds of time in the source strings, I cannot find it easily.

Thank you.

olafgrabienski commented 6 months ago

Yep, such a filter option sounds useful. Technically, the feature would probably be provided by

argiepiano commented 6 months ago

@lourdas can you please post this at

lourdas commented 6 months ago

@lourdas can you please post this at

I see that you already created an issue there, do you need me to do anything else?

argiepiano commented 6 months ago

No more needed. Thanks

lourdas commented 5 months ago

I created a PR at