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Develop a translation concept #7

Open olafgrabienski opened 7 years ago

olafgrabienski commented 7 years ago

To run the translation server, we need a concept how to organize the translation process technically and regarding community participation:



Manage languages

Feel free to add missing aspects.

robertgarrigos commented 6 years ago

For the roles to build, I've been testing with these permissions and seems to work fairly well:


Also, something we could add to the website is the organics groups module. It is a good way of managing teams and, most important, to have some specific language information made by the team itself. This is how works, in fact. I'm going to test it.

For the tool to discuss translations: I don't see the comments. To what type of node? I see it more of a forum, but then it would need to be the og forum module (, which doesn't seem to be ready, or a general forum, which would need to be team manageable somehow, so the teams could control which containers and forums would need. Is the backdrop forum so flexible with permissions?

I would leave to the team's decision which tool to use for translation discussion. This is how it works on

robertgarrigos commented 6 years ago

I had installed Organic Groups in my testing site ( and have documented the setting process. It looks like it's working quite well, but I had to change roles, as they are mainly managed by the og module. So, there is now a site wide role for a groups manager, which is language group manager. This role assigns other og roles, mainly a group administrator, who creates any group related content (pages or posts) and a group description. Any registered user can join any group and add translation suggestions, which are approved, or not, by the translator supervisor.

I would add, to your first list, a contact form to contact the groups manager and ask her to create a new group for a language and assign the user the group administrator role. After that, the group administrator manages the translation team and assign other roles, like and a translator supervisor, who approves translations suggestions.

I can create you different users with different roles to try it out.

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

Thanks for working on the roles and testing Organic groups, and thanks for your feedback on translation discussing tools. Regarding the latter, maybe let's start to ask for ideas which tools might be good candidates. You said on each team decides about which tool to use. Do you know of specific tools which were choosen there?

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

I would add, to your first list, a contact form to contact the groups manager

Good suggestion, I've added it to the list in the issue description, also the groups manager role.

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

I can create you different users with different roles to try it out.

Yes, please. Will contact you for the details.

robertgarrigos commented 6 years ago

Do you know of specific tools which were chosen there?

I'm in two groups there (Catalan ans Spanish) and both choose to have a forum in their own community website, outsite, and both are now deprecated. But I believe what they need more is a type of post (it could be just a page or a book page) to post their translation rules. In the case of the Catalan group, there is a Catalan community ( who already manages this for everyone who would need it. So in this case we needed just a page with the links to

However, things have change a lot since we started those groups. In the case of the Catalan group, softcatala is doing a great job and it's using telegram groups to discuss about translation, which was something simply didn't exists at that time. I would say, then, that it would be enough to have that type of post for the groups and, maybe, a page with advice on best ways to manage the translation community. Right now my bet would be for telegram.

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

For the tool to discuss translations: I see it more of a forum, but then it would need (...), or a general forum, which would need to be team manageable somehow, so the teams could control which containers and forums would need. Is the backdrop forum so flexible with permissions?

On yesterday's Backdrop weekly meeting it was mentioned that the Backdrop Forums seem to be convenient to discuss translations: We could get a topic "Translations" and a subtopic for each language.

robertgarrigos commented 6 years ago

Added some functionality about notification of new members. I added also rules module and tuned the permissions. You can test it on

olafgrabienski commented 6 years ago

Great, notifications work so far. To be implemented and verified on

olafgrabienski commented 5 years ago

Reminder: Let's inform interested people when we're ready.

olafgrabienski commented 5 years ago

Regarding use of the Backdrop forum, I've posted the question if it's possible to have a forum category called "Translations" and a sub-category (on demand) for each language where people can post topics regarding individual language strings:

robertgarrigos commented 1 year ago

@olafgrabienski, anything new, here?

olafgrabienski commented 1 year ago

@robertgarrigos Are you referring to a particular aspect of this thread? In general, there aren't news here, with the great exception, that the localization site has been upgraded to Backdrop, so we have more control about features on the site than before.

robertgarrigos commented 1 year ago

I noticed it is a Backdrop, now. Great! I meant in general, yes. Thanks.