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[meta] Drupal 7 fix list #2 #134

Closed maxpearl closed 10 years ago

maxpearl commented 10 years ago

Second in the Drupal 7 fix list. See also #132 and #135.

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

As mentioned in, people working on trivial D7 backports do not need to open individual issues for each backport. Instead, Pull Requests can be made directly. Use the commit message and everything when filing the pull request. Feel free to even combine multiple backports into a single pull request, as long as each backport is a single commit.

biolithic commented 10 years ago

Working on this now (1/1)

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

I marked a dozen issues as "Not Applicable" (N/A) in the list above that aren't necessary for Backdrop (e.g. changes to MAINTAINERS.txt or modules that have been removed).

jenlampton commented 10 years ago

I checked off 3ed0414 since that patch will be merged in

biolithic commented 10 years ago

This issue so far from the bottom is tracked here:

biolithic commented 10 years ago

starting to work on this issue now from the bottom of the page

biolithic commented 10 years ago

starting to work on this issue now for 45 minutes starting from fbedd1a

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

Weird inadvertently closed this issue. Reopening.

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

Nice @biolithic! I merged in 16 commits as part of your latest PR, though I had to fix a merge conflict and update a few tests. The final PR was at

I had to include this issue in the PR for everything to work properly, so you may need to update your spreadsheet:

backdrop/backdrop#142 | 568611e | Issue #1541958 by sun, effulgentsia, David_Rothstein, alexpott, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Split setUp() into specific sub-methods to fix testing framework regressions.

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

Phew, just merged in 56 patches! Nice work @biolithic! Still working through the PR queue, but we should be seeing some more progress here shortly as we get more PRs merged.

quicksketch commented 10 years ago

I merged in, which was the last remaining issue here. WOOOOO!!

Thanks everyone. The only remaining D7 meta is, though we probably need to make a new one for the latest changes to D7 at this point. This bring a whole new meaning to "chasing head" . :)