Meta issue to help keep track of all the block related issues and initiatives, including converting the existing custom blocks into fieldable entities and creating a new type of custom text block that can be added to layouts and saved in config.
Issues for implementing content blocks and custom blocks:
[x] Make reusable blocks into stand-alone blocks
[x] #100 Add fieldable, reusable blocks system Add a system of page-less nodes
[x] #1099 Add a custom [text] block
[ ] #1277 [META] [UX] Improve the overall creation and placement of custom blocks experience.
[x] #1428 Export reusable custom blocks to configuration
[x] #1515 Make stand-alone blocks into reusable blocks
[ ] #3995 [WP][UX] Dashboard: Collapsible blocks
[ ] #3996 [WP][UX] Dashboard: Dismissible blocks
Issues around adding blocks to layouts:
[x] #778 [UX] Move node/add to content/add so additional entities like blocks can be listed there Nixed per #1428.
[x] #1276 Move custom block list to admin/content/block Nixed per #1428.
[ ] #1277 [UX] Improve the overall creation and placement of custom blocks experience
[ ] #1360 [UX] Link to the Layouts admin page from the Custom blocks admin page.
Issues around block titles
[ ] #692 [UX] Make block titles required and allow them to be hidden.
[ ] #1522 [UX] Move 'Admin label' field below others on Add block form
[ ] #1889 [UX] Always include the "View: [view_name]: [block_display_name]" as the default admin label for blocks provided by views.
[ ] #2288 [UX] Replace the default description of custom blocks with an excerpt from the block content.
[ ] #2483 [UX] Consider replacing the block title type drop-down with an always required (and unique) block title field.
[x] #2723 Change where layouts obtains the title and description for a views block.
[ ] #3916 [UX] Blocks: Make the "Custom title" field required.
[x] #4558 [UX] Allow all blocks to have an admin label
Other block-related issues:
[ ] #198 Move menu blocks into menu module (out of system.module)
[ ] #212 Remove the block cache from Backdrop
[x] #449 Create a list of blocks and the modules that provide them
[x] #570 Automatically remove blocks from layouts when a module is uninstalled
[x] #796 Convert page template elements into movable layout blocks
[x] #845 Add Menu Block features to core (feature parity with D8).
[x] #1076 Add ability to add "existing node" to a layout
[x] #1100 Add blocks for adding individual fields from entities
[x] #1228 In Dynamic block it adds unnecessary classes
[x] #1280 Allow Non-Region Layout UI regions
[x] #1340 [UX] Rename labels in add block page?
[x] #1373 Image files uploaded through custom block wysiwyg are removed by garbage collection
[ ] #2254 [UX] Prefix all menu block admin labels with "Menu:"
[ ] #2640 [UX] Make it clear in the manage blocks UI that title-only custom blocks without content will not be rendered.
[ ] #2667 [DX] the CSS class block-layout-custom-block disappears when a block becomes reusable
[x] #3994 [UX][WP] Dashboard block: Welcome to Backdrop CMS
[x] #5248 [UX] Create interface to organize Custom Blocks
Meta issue to help keep track of all the block related issues and initiatives, including converting the existing custom blocks into fieldable entities and creating a new type of custom text block that can be added to layouts and saved in config.
Issues for implementing content blocks and custom blocks:
Add fieldable, reusable blocks systemAdd a system of page-less nodesIssues around adding blocks to layouts:
[UX] Move node/add to content/add so additional entities like blocks can be listed thereNixed per #1428.Move custom block list to admin/content/blockNixed per #1428.Issues around block titles
Other block-related issues: