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Idea: Provide code names for major Backdrop releases #1458

Closed sutibun closed 2 years ago

sutibun commented 8 years ago

This isn't a critical thing but I thought it be fun if each Bd release would have a unique name along with the version number similar to how Ubuntu does it

So maybe we can have: Bd 1.3 (Polished Dragon)


klonos commented 8 years ago

Not a bad idea. Firefox used to have code names for their nightlies based on famous parks around the world and OSX used to have code names based on big cats and now uses mountain/location names. Any idea on what we should base our code names on?

klonos commented 8 years ago

How about something from these lists:

klonos commented 8 years ago

Some silly-looking/playful ones (like our Drop)

klonos commented 8 years ago

...and of course:

sutibun commented 8 years ago

A dragon seems like a reptile… so maybe

Maybe we can start with old lizards/reptiles that have been around since dinosaurs… sort of like Bd is just starting.

sutibun commented 8 years ago

Maybe we can have a release called "puff the magic dragon" ^_^

quicksketch commented 8 years ago

I also like the idea of code names. I like Google's approach of a single word (KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow) more than Ubuntu's alliterative "adjective noun" approach. I remember when I first downloaded Ubuntu it gave me an option between a "raring" and "precise" version. I didn't want a raring operating system so I downloaded the precise one, not realizing that was the older version (12.04 vs 13.04).

I do like the alphabetical approach used both by Google and Ubuntu. Apple's naming convention of random cat or California locations doesn't give any sense of sequence.

How about something from these lists:

I'd been suggesting using famous dragons to @jenlampton as well. But I have to wonder if there are enough dragons for every letter of the alphabet. They may also be difficult to remember for the less-known ones.

klonos commented 8 years ago

...But I have to wonder if there are enough dragons for every letter of the alphabet.

If not, then let's improvise!

...They may also be difficult to remember for the less-known ones.

The code names will be for the more geeky ones of us ...I'm sure we'll remember :wink:

sutibun commented 8 years ago

But I have to wonder if there are enough dragons for every letter of the alphabet.

We can do dinosaurs afterwards. Everybody likes dinosaurs and they kinda look like dragons.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Is this likely to happen or should we close this issue?

docwilmot commented 5 years ago

I like this idea. It could probably happen now that youve brought it back up. Here's a list from this page:

If everyone clicks the ones they absolutely dont want (or maybe reverse that) then we could just go alphabetically from next release.

Just an idea, to get things moving

ghost commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the list @docwilmot!

I think you should clarify whether we're ticking ones we like or don't like (I'd suggest the former), otherwise different people might tick different things...

As for me, I think names should:

klonos commented 4 years ago
  • Not be too 'dark' (e.g. Deadheart, Deathclaws)

I would add that our dragons should be friendly, like our lap-dragon, Drop. So for example the hostile Smaug (from the Hobbit) should not be included.

There's a list of the dragons from the "How To Train Your Dragon" franchise here. Some of these were cute (although their names not 😅).

indigoxela commented 4 years ago

I would add that our dragons should be friendly

That would drastically reduce the list to mainly Asian dragons, I guess. Dragons are at least shady characters in most cultures.

Btw, Wikipedia has several lists of dragons: (note the "See also" section).


ghost commented 2 years ago

Again, not much interest here for another few years running... I'm tempted to close this issue.

Furthermore, I recently saw a rant video about how Ubuntu's release names kinda mean you need to memorise what name is for what version, and that's hard and confusing, especially for new users. So I'd be in favour of not giving releases codenames. Additionally, I keep hearing people quote the mantra "Naming things is hard", so perhaps let's not give ourselves more work to do in that regard...

bugfolder commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I'm not crazy about giving releases codenames either. (Though perhaps I'm just sensitized from Apple Mac's non-alphabetical names: "Did 'Death Valley' come before or after 'Donner Lake'?").

indigoxela commented 2 years ago

I'm in favor of closing this issue. Backdrop has three minor releases per year - who would ever be able to find good names for all of them? :smile:

ghost commented 2 years ago
