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[A11Y] Append the current tab in the breadcrumb (even if as an invisible element). #1535

Open klonos opened 8 years ago

klonos commented 8 years ago

This is related to #1509

It would help us be consistent in the UI as well as when people are using screen readers. "You are here" will start making sense.

quicksketch commented 8 years ago

I like this idea for screenreaders' sake, but also because it would be one less thing to do on sites where the designer wants the current page title in the breadcrumb. Just CSS it back into existence and you're done.

Do we have any references or recommendations from elsewhere about such a pattern? Where the breadcrumb should contain the current page title as a matter of accessibility?

laryn commented 5 months ago

This was flagged in an accessibility review. I had the "show the current page title" setting active, but it shows up as a <span> and the review came back:

The active page. is currently a span, but should technically be a link with aria-current on it.

Here is a link with further details:

laryn commented 5 months ago

I added a PR here for review. I didn't do anything with "You are here" because I think aria-current is more up to date and that happens automatically now as of

laryn commented 5 months ago

I need to come back to this -- breadcrumb tests need tweaking now.

laryn commented 2 months ago

I reworked things a bit and tests are passing.

klonos commented 2 months ago

I've done a very "superficial", first pass code review and left some comments in the PR. There's a lot of changes in the tests, which will need a more thorough review/consideration to ensure that we are not removing or missing any important tests that might cause regressions.

Will this need a change record? (since it changes expected HTML output)

Also @laryn can you please provide some steps to reproduce the ARIA/a11y nags before the change, so that we can confirm that this fixes things after the changes? Thanks.