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[UX] Automatically update the "Admin Content" view to include language field and exposed filter when more than one language is enabled for the site. #1625

Open klonos opened 8 years ago

klonos commented 8 years ago

In #1574, while helping @bd0bd out, I saw that it was not clear to him (average new Drupal/Backdrop user coming from another CMS) why he could not filter the available content by language. This page is generated by a view and the process of adding the content language as a field and a filter criterion is pretty straight-forward for a views ninja, but obviously not to new users.

Wouldn't it make sense to have the view automatically updated to include the "Content: Language" field and a respective exposed filter once the user added a second language to their site? My only concern is how we should handle the reverse operation (if the user removed all but a single language from their site). Would we want to remove the filters from the view?

Anyways, how would something like this be possible? Update hooks?

bd0bd commented 8 years ago

Yes, it would be good to have it configured and setup automatically if any additional language is added to a website. I was lost and disappointed at the first stage before @klonos helped and explained me the solution.

quicksketch commented 8 years ago

Anyways, how would something like this be possible? Update hooks?

We could modify the admin/content/node view in a hook_install() in translation.install. However, automatically modifying a view seems like it could be slightly risky, as that view may have already been modified manually. We can check if the view is still in its default state, but /sometimes/ modifying the view and sometimes not seems worse than just always modifying it.

I think it'd be reasonably safe overall though, it's an admin-only view and you're likely to be turning on major modules like translation reasonably early in the development of a site.

klonos commented 8 years ago

How about adding a display (called "multilingual content" perhaps) with the additions to the original view and making that one active? Would that be "safer"? ...and more importantly, can it be done?