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[UX] Consider saving changes to custom block text without requiring a second save. #2038

Open klonos opened 7 years ago

klonos commented 7 years ago

I understand the logic in that from a technical aspect in the workflow of saving layout changes (and being able to cancel those if required), but from an end-user experience point it is not that great. So...

Edit a layout, then edit a custom block and change its text. Save the block (it feels funny by the way that the button says "Save configuration", but lets leave that for another issue*). At this point, a new user would expect that refreshing the page that shows the changes they've just made in the backend would reflect those changes in the front end. That doesn't happen though. They need to return to the layout edit page (thinking that Backdrop "doesn't work") and then they see the "This form has unsaved changes." message that asks them to save the layout (#1656).

As I said, not optimal UX there.

klonos commented 7 years ago

...perhaps we should reconsider the way the dirty form thing works. I was thinking that instead of making changes temporary until the user submits the form, we could perhaps save the changes and have the "Cancel" button revert changes.

So, instead of the "Are you sure? If you are than hit save again." yellow warning message, we have a green, all good message saying "Changes are saved. If you changed your mind, hit cancel.". Or something along that way. What do you think?

klonos commented 7 years ago

...but reading what I wrote above sounds like we'll need something like config revisions that people can revert to. Haven't thought of all the technical aspects of it yet, but in general don't you think that something like that would be much better UX?

jenlampton commented 7 years ago

I ran into the same problem when I was using the cog-wheel approach to editing the block from the front-end. It's even worse to start on the front end, get a modal (over the layout form) and then need to save the layout form to get back to the front-end of the site. Especially if the layout form is long and you can't even see the submit button on the bottom of the page. You're just lost, and resort to using the back button.

I was thinking that maybe for people who approach the problem from the Layouts UI they can have a double-save, since they know how that UI works (theoretically) but if you use the cog-wheel, the modal opens over the front end, and a save would save both the block and the layout with a single button-push.