backdrop / backdrop-issues

Issue tracker for Backdrop core.
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[META] Update description/help text to be more human. #2092

Open jenlampton opened 8 years ago

jenlampton commented 8 years ago

I've noticed in a lot of places in Backdrop the help text reads as very robotic. It's technically accurate almost everywhere, but the tone created tends to make Backdrop seem and/or scary. In a lot of places, using simpler words and being less verbose can be just as effective. Additionally, speaking directly to the user, using the word "you" can change the feel of the software dramatically.

I'd like to propose that in Backdrop 2.x we do a complete pass over all the exposed help text, and make the following changes:

I'd like to use this issue as a place holder for all the interfaces in core where the wording could use an overhaul. When we get to 2.x, each of the following UIs should get a sub-issue:

Bojhan commented 8 years ago

A radical train of thought but you might be better of removing all, and adding them back as necessary :)

Fields and User accounts is especially crazy. Views hasn't gotten a description overhaul since it was made.