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Taxonomy vocabularies are randomly ordered when created and their order is not reflected on the admin bar. #2657

Open klonos opened 7 years ago

klonos commented 7 years ago

I noticed this while testing the latest PR for #2247 ...


The vocabularies were added in this order: abc -> 123 -> xyz

Order in the taxonomy list page: xyz -> Tags -> abc -> 123 Order on the admin bar menu: the reverse

klonos commented 7 years ago

...I can't think of a reason why we should be ordering these in a specific way or another (especially since that list can be manually reordered), but I imagine that the end user expects this to be consistent:

olafgrabienski commented 7 years ago

I'd say let's list them alphabetical, like taxonomy terms (which can be reordered as well), or like content types. If there's no special reason to choose another way of sorting, alphabetical has the best usability.

Dinornis commented 7 years ago

👍 for alphabetical ordering.

klonos commented 7 years ago

Yeah, alphabetical makes sense where things cannot be ordered (like the content type list for example). Here though, if a user changes the ordering of one of the vocabularies, then trying to retain alphabetical order simply stops making sense after that. Let me explain by example...

Say we do list things alphabetically. By default, we have the "Tags" vocabulary. Lets say that a user adds a "123", an "abc" and an "XYZ" vocabularies. The resulting order would be:

123 abc Tags XYZ

Now, say the user reorders the vocabularies like so:

abc XYZ Tags 123

Say they next try to add a "456" vocabulary. Where do we add this when created?

Say they want to add a "Random" vocabulary. If the order has not been changed and we were still listing in alpha, we'd do this:

123 abc Tags Random XYZ

...but with the vocabularies manually reordered, where does it belong?

That's why I think it makes better sense to always have the newly-created vocabularies added to the bottom of that list. That way, users will know where to look for them and they can drag them in the order they wish. It's the same pattern we use when adding new fields.

There is the other argument though: after a new vocabulary is created, the user is redirected to the add terms form. Once they are finished and they navigate back to the list of vocabularies, if there are a lot of vocabularies and we add the new one at the bottom, the user might then need to scroll in order to see it. This can be mitigated if we just add a "new" indicator to any vocabularies that were added to this list after the last time the user has been here. In fact that is a good idea to do in general with newly-added items on lists (but also a separate issue 😄 ).

No matter what we decide though, the order of the vocabularies on this list should be reflected on the admin bar.

olafgrabienski commented 7 years ago

I've no strong opinion about how to sort the vocabularies by default on the taxonomy page. That said, I'm still pro default alphabetical because the order is to be reflected on the Admin bar. If the user doesn't care about reordering the vocabularies -- and I guess that's often the case -- an alphabetical list is still much better scannable / readable, and with the Admin bar in question there are even two places where to consider the better readability.