backdrop / backdrop-issues

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[ META] Add new interface for user selection of managed files #2718

Open daggerhart opened 7 years ago

daggerhart commented 7 years ago

This relates to File entity and re-usable managed files system #1448

We need a view where users can find the media they need, select that media, and "submit" their selection. When submitted, the form returns the fid of the selected file to the caller.

This type of UI will be a fundamental aspect of any media library solution we create.

From one perspective, views bulk ops already provides much of the needed UI for this issue.

But we don't exactly need to execute an operation on the selected items. It might take a bit of tinkering to get VBO to work perfectly for this need, but likely not impossible.

Thoughts / feedback?

klonos commented 7 years ago

@daggerhart can't we (re)use the view that provides /admin/content/files for this?

klonos commented 4 months ago

I must say that after the addition of the Image Library in Backdrop v1.15 back in Jan. 2020, I'm surprised that there aren't any request for this.

I have started a thread in Zulip to gauge the desire/need for this:

argiepiano commented 4 months ago

For reference, I adapted the functionality of the image browser to browser/pick managed files. This is documented here:

klonos commented 4 months ago

Thanks for sharing that @argiepiano! 🙏🏼

klonos commented 4 months ago

...inspired by @argiepiano's forum post, I filed #6512 as a starting point to getting this done based on Views and the existing implementation of the Image Library in Backdrop core (see #3297).

That would be the first baby step of what I envision to eventually become a very lightweight/opinionated, views-based equivalent of the functionality offered by and in Drupal. The Backdrop implementation of this would more or less be the following: