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IntelliJ PHPStorm Plugin #2900

Open alexfinnarn opened 6 years ago

alexfinnarn commented 6 years ago

Describe your issue or idea

I love to use PHPStorm for development, and one of the life-savers for me is autocompletion from community plugins. I can code so much faster and make way less mistakes when I have Drupal support enabled for Drupal projects.

I tried to enable Drupal support on a Backdrop project, but it wouldn't let me do that due to the directory structure changes from D7. I think the Drupal 7 plugin could be taken as-is and only have to change a few things for it to work.

Java is still scary for me so if anyone else is an expert in that language, I'd vote that creating the plugin towards the top of easy wins for developer experience improvements.

I'll try to just place dummy directories where Drupal 7 files were located, and using symlinks might work for now.


alexfinnarn commented 6 years ago

If you make empty "sites" and "includes" directories, you can setup Drupal support and have what looks like full autocompletion to me. Hooray! I still think a discrete plugin is a good idea, but adding the empty directories works for me for now.

Is this worth documenting somewhere?