backdrop / backdrop-issues

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Basis theme killer feature: Automatically generate color scheme from provided brand (logo/colors) #3231

Open klonos opened 5 years ago

klonos commented 5 years ago

IIRC this was one of @wesruv's "crazy" plans for Basis while the theme was being developed. I have mentioned it in #3209, but moving it here so that the idea does not get lost... some point long ago wile Basis was still being developed for inclusion into core, I recall @wesruv saying that he envisioned that we could be asking the user to input some colors of their brand (upload their logo for example), and then we have some sort of "magic" thing happening, where we take these colors and theme the site to match them.

Not sure if this was just a crazy "how awesome would it be if" idea, or if you actually had some plan @wesruv ??

...something like or might help 😉

jenlampton commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure this should be a core feature. Adding 'contrib candidate' label.

klonos commented 3 weeks ago

I shared the following in a Zulip chat thread:

This was shared in one of the various Starshot-related Drupal Slack channels: YouTube - Explore Solo: Mozilla's No-Code AI Website Creator - Demo & Tutorial ...I think that that's neat and easy to use. Things like that will help small business owners a lot.