backdrop / backdrop-issues

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Add wrapper function for `_drupal_maintenance_theme()` #3877

Open klonos opened 5 years ago

klonos commented 5 years ago

I started trying to port, and I got this error:

Error: Call to undefined function _drupal_maintenance_theme()
in _govcms_set_theme() (line 1557 of /profiles/govcms/govcms.install).

...the problem was sorted by replacing _drupal_maintenance_theme() with _backdrop_maintenance_theme(), but with the backwards compatibility layer on, people that are trying to port projects over should not have to do that.

PR by @klonos:

klonos commented 5 years ago

...I realise that, as @quicksketch mentioned in, private functions should not be used outside of the module that provides them, but non-technical people trying to port things over should not have care about that; things should simply work, w/o errors.