backdrop / backdrop-issues

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[META][UX] Consistent "description" fields #3889

Open klonos opened 5 years ago

klonos commented 5 years ago OCDs are starting to kick in badly 😜

I would like to see as much consistency as possible across all description fields; especially the ones in the forms for adding things that reside under admin/structure. We currently have the following:

I have left some notable mentions aside...

klonos commented 5 years ago

...we should also be consistent about the allowed html tags for the description fields, and add that as a hint in the description text (see

stpaultim commented 2 years ago

@klonos - I was going to put this in the OpenForce2022 project, but it occurs to me that some guidance on which type of description field is best would be very helpful to anyone working on this project.

Also, I wonder if they might want to fix 2-3 at a time, rather than trying to fix them all at once. How can we manage that?