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Merge commits from Link 7.x-1.5 (and 7.x-1.6) #4055

Open jenlampton opened 4 years ago

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

This list generated with: git log 7.x-1.4..7.x-1.5 --reverse --no-merges --pretty=format:"- [ ] #xx | [%h]( | [%s]("

klonos commented 3 years ago

351670d | Issue #2843813: Fix failing tests due to missing 'administer fields' permission

This is not applicable to us; the protected $permissions array in class LinkBaseTestClass within our link.test file already includes the 'administer content types' permission, and that is what's being used in the rest of the link.* tests.

klonos commented 3 years ago

5121965 | Issue #2888461: Clear variable "link_extra_domains" on uninstall

This is also not applicable to us. See link_update_1000() and link_update_1001() and the comments re Link no longer has any config in Backdrop.

update_variable_del('link_extra_domains'); was specifically removed from link_update_1000() with

klonos commented 3 years ago

b8d9338 | Issue #2888510: Create tip for token on install

This commit in Link 7.x was simply adding this:

function link_install() {
  // Notify the user they may want to install token.
  if (!module_exists('token')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('If you install the <a href="!url" target="blank">Token</a>, static title can use any other entity field as its value.', array(
      '!url' => '',

...but with token being baked into Backdrop core, and not a separate module, this does not apply to us.

klonos commented 3 years ago

3a22e7f | Issue #2578521: Validation error

Does not apply to us, since domain validation was removed from the Link module in Backdrop core, with

The bug report in said: considered not valid URL on field validation.

Which I just tested and confirmed that no validation errors are thrown in Backdrop 👍

Similarly N/A to us:

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

Thanks @klonos! For any commit that is N/A for us can you please tick the item off the list?

klonos commented 3 years ago

I need help with c6bbf42 | Issue #1909788: Add an entity token for the display_url

This seems like a new feature(?). From the issue description in

It would be incredibly useful to have an entity token available for the display_url. [node:field-link:url] strips the query string from the URL, which makes it difficult to use it as a replacement in Linked Field, Views and elsewhere.

When adding a link field to a content type though, the only token I see available in Backdrop is [node:field_link]:


...and it's the same in D7, with the respective 7.x versions of token/link/pathauto:


What am I missing here? How do we get these :url tokens?

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

The commit shows one file changed -- and nothing relating to tokens:

klonos commented 3 years ago

I've split #4970 into its own issue, since it's a new feature, and I've ticked it off the list here. If there are commits between 7.x-1.4 and 7.x-1.7 of the Link module that touch that feature, then lets include them in the PR for that issue.

herbdool commented 3 years ago

@klonos RTBC on

herbdool commented 3 years ago

I've created and linked it above to "protocol-less..." issue.

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

Issue 5000! :)