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[BC] Decide on best way to make improvements to the CSS for core without breaking existing sites #4167

Open stpaultim opened 4 years ago

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

UPDATED: August 27, 2020 by @stpaultim

Possible solutions:

Description of the need

A new user that does not have the time or skills to create their own theme or sub-theme should be able to build a solid, reliable, and functional site without need to install a contrib theme. However, there are a number of small problems with Basis that make that difficult, some of which have been fixed or are in the process of being fixed.

Most Backdrop developers are used to creating custom themes for sub-themes for their sites and routinely deal with these issues during that process OR have created their own sub-theme templates with fixes in place.

It is my concern that as we continue to tweak Basis and/or fix bugs, that we might end up breaking or making unexpected changes to existing sites that are using Basis as their only theme. Since we are at least 3 years away from Backdrop CMS v 2.x, I would like to decide on a best course of action for providing a robust and flexible theme (for beginners with limited theme building skills) in core that can safely be used "out of the box" and will accommodate a variety of uses.

Possible solutions that have been considered

1) We could go on making updates to the current version of Basis at some risk of minor breaks to sites that are already build using Basis out of the box without any sub-theme or changes. 2) We could introduce Basis v 2.x into core as an experimental theme, making it clear that it is under development until 1.x-1.16.x (or whichever version we determine) 3) We could develop it as a contrib theme, but with an expectation that we eventually moving it into core at a later date. We already have 4) Issue #4512 - Add a "supplemental stylesheet" to Basis (or default theme) that includes new css or overrides that might cause problems with existing sites. This "supplemental stylesheet" would only be used if a config option was checked, the default would have this config off, but on new sites it the install profiler would turn it on. [Added 10/28/19 - inspired by discussion here: #4166] 5) Create and add a sub-theme of basis to core called something like "basis_edge" or "basis_current" that includes all the changes. This new sub-theme would be the default theme on new sites, but old sites would continue to rely on the existing version of basis. 6) Create a new default core theme, keeping Basis as it is but deprecated, and try to fix as many of the issues as possible in this new core theme. (This is very similar to option 2. It's not clear if either of these plans offers an avenue for ongoing improvements in CSS). 7) Issue #4782: Add support for supplemental CSS selectors. All new CSS or CSS overrides that might cause problems with existing sites would be prefixed with a class matching the version of core where it was introduced. That class would only be added to sites installed on or after that core version. 8) Issue #5175 : A new theme to core - This may be the most ambitious option. The idea is that if we cannot find another way to fix CSS issues, we could simply create a new theme for core that fixes existing problems, is updated to give Backdrop core a new look, and possible contains within itself a system that allows updates and fixes safely.

Some Issues blocked by this decision

Additional information

This idea was inspired by issues such as:

[META] Issues with Basis

Should we set default margins on 'p' tag in Basis?

Remove the hover color from header account links in Basis

Basis & Flexible Layout Templates: Remove white space between two hero blocks placed next to each other.

I really don't know if this is a good idea or if it's necessary to accomplish the goals I've outlined, but I wanted to put it out there for discussion.

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

In another issue, @olafgrabienski said he would like to see:

Provide an option to add custom CSS in Backdrop core.

I assume he is talking about something like CSS injector (Drupal module). But, this got me thinking about whether or not it would be possible to create a "supplemental stylesheet" for Basis that gets added to new site automatically or that existing sites can add at anytime.

@klonos - is there an issue for this already? I could not find one (I'll create one if there is any positive feedback to this idea).

The idea would be to use this supplemental style sheet to add or override existing CSS in Basis without blindly applying it to existing sites. This had not occurred to me, but now that I think about it, it should be possible. I'm adding it as an option in the original issue description.

oadaeh commented 4 years ago

CSS injector is not just a Drupal module:

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

We talked about this briefly today between meetings (discussion did not get recorded) and there seemed to be some interest in option #4. That we could add a supplemental stylesheet that overrides other stylesheets. This stylesheet could be applied to all new sites and old sites to enable it through theme settings.

No decision was made, just a short discussion. I'd love more opinions on this.

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

@jenlampton - posted this idea in #4166

Just brainstorming here... What if we reserved all CSS changes like this for 
minor versions only, and with each minor version added an additional 
stylesheet to Basis. Something like /core/themes/basis/css/updates/14.css. 
When you install Backdrop, we save that minor version somewhere secretly, 
and then your site would get only the stylesheets that were in core when 
you first installed.

How would we make this work... Well, we could add the CSS in preprocess_page()... if we 
recorded the minor version of Backdrop that were first installed somewhere, we could 
pull that out here to test. Maybe something like...

function basis_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  $path = backdrop_get_path('theme', 'basis');
  $install_version = config_get('system.core', 'installed_minor_version');
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $install_version; $i++) {
    $filename = $path .'/css/updates/' . $i . '.css';
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
Then when we get to Backdrop 2.0, we merge in all the updates form the 
1.x cycle, and start over with an empty updates directory.
ghost commented 4 years ago

Are you aware of ? You could move development there, then merge changes into core once they're working and approved.

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

I have an updated idea similar to ... but doesn't involve storing an initial version.

ghost commented 4 years ago

WordPress has child themes like we have sub-themes: It'd be interesting to see if we can find out how they address this issue of not breaking people's customisations when parent themes are updated...

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to think of ways to avoid checkboxes and settings and additional CSS files, etc. That all seems overly complicated to me.

What about simply informing people that making a sub-theme of a core theme (e.g. Basis) could result in breaking changes on update. If they don't want this, all they need to do is copy the base theme into their themes folder (maybe we can even provide a UI button that does this for them...?). That copy will override core's one and future core updates won't affect it. If they ever want to go back to using the latest version of the base theme, they just need to delete the copy and clear caches. If they want some updates but not all, they can add them manually to their copy of the base theme.

This seems like a much simpler option, and uses systems already in-place in Backdrop (theme overrides, etc.).

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

What about simply informing people that making a sub-theme of a core theme (e.g. Basis) could result in breaking changes on update.

Because we don't want to scare anyone away from using Basis as a base theme, and this sounds scary.

if they don't want this, all they need to do is copy the base theme into their themes folder

This is not a good practice. A copied theme wouldn't get any updates to Basis -- including possible security updates -- when updates come out for core. The whole reason there are base themes (and that we wanted Basis to be better as a base theme) is so that we can avoid this practice.

quicksketch commented 4 years ago

Another sort of suggestion we could use: Make an out of box subtheme of Basis called basis_latest or basis_edge (or something) and use it as the default theme. Then we only make changes to basis_latest and never to basis itself, which acts as a stable version.

Alternative but very similar: we could rename basis to basis_stable and then make a new basis theme that sub-themes basis_stable. All changes are made in the basis theme while basis_stable stays frozen.

Note with this approach you'd probably eventually copy almost every CSS file.

This is the approach D8 used with their default theming, although the intent for them was mostly around template files, not CSS.

I am not sure I would recommend this approach honestly, but it's another option. I don't like the added complexity of everything being a subtheme out of the box. That's too much complexity to introduce at what is usually the most accessible layer of Backdrop for new developers, IMO.

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

What about simply informing people that making a sub-theme of a core theme (e.g. Basis) could result in breaking changes on update.

Isn't it too late to issue such a warning to all the sites that might already be using Basis? I'm not sure if we want to risk breaking sites that were built before such a warning was issued AND the comments raised by @jenlampton.

As we work on the "Ready to Wear" initiative, we may find the need to fix some of the CSS bugs/omissions we have in Basis. I'd like see if we can't make some progress on this issue.

While, I'm not seeing any consensus on how to proceed, in my opinion, some version of option 4 (see issue summary) seems to be our best bet so far.

klonos commented 4 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, if a contrib or custom module/theme has the same name as a core one, then the contrib/custom one takes priority. So how about changing our documentation to advise the following when subtheming core-provided themes:

We generally avoid introducing breaking changes to the Basis theme, and any core theme in general, but there may be situations where we may absolutely need to (we only had to introduce a single such change over the 6 years of the Backdrop CMS release history). In such cases you may need to tweak any subthemes you have created, to account for the breaking change, and make sure that they still look/work as expected. To avoid this, you have the following option:

  1. Copy the entire /core/themes/basis folder under the root /themes directory, so that the end folder is /themes/basis.
  2. Create your subtheme of Basis as per usual, by specifying base theme = basis in its .info file.

Since any theme placed under /themes takes priority over any core theme, your subtheme will always have /themes/basis as its parent instead of /core/themes/basis. You can now either update your theme at your own pace (independently of any Backdrop CMS core updates), or never update it at all if you so choose.

We may also add the following:

If you have realized that a core update has broken your subtheme, then follow these steps to quickly fix things:

  1. Download a copy of the previous version of Backdrop CMS, and extract it.
  2. Copy the entire /core/themes/basis folder from the older version of Backdrop, to the root /themes directory of the updated site, so that the end folder is /themes/basis.
  3. Clear caches.

Any security risks that come with this decision to use an older, specific version of a core theme should also be communicated.

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

@klonos I don't like the recommendation of copying a core theme (or module) into the contrib location, because people will be very likely not to update it (even if they wanted to) since we would have no mechanism to remind them, like we do for core and contrib.

I don't like the suggestion of adding sub-themes in core mainly because they will show up in the UI and confuse end-users. But it also seems like we'd only be kicking the can down the road. We'll eventually face the problem where the sub-theme needs to he changed. To prevent breaking sites that are using the sub-theme, would we add a sub-sub theme, and then a sub-sub-sub theme? This also seems like a lot of overhead for what seems to be only a few lines of css for each change...

On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, 11:33 PM Gregory Netsas wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, if a contrib or custom module/theme has the same name as a core one, then the contrib/custom one takes priority. So how about changing our documentation to advise the following when subtheming core-provided themes:

We generally avoid introducing breaking changes to the Basis theme, and any core theme in general, but there may be situations where we may need to. In such cases you may then need to tweak any subthemes you have created to make sure that they still look/work as expected. To avoid this, you have the following option:

  1. Copy the entire /core/themes/basis folder under the root /themes directory, so that the end folder is /themes/basis.
  2. Create your subtheme of Basis as per usual, by specifying base theme = basis in its .info file.

Since any theme placed under /themes takes priority over any core theme, your subtheme will always have /themes/basis as its parent instead of /core/themes/basis. You can now either update your theme at your own pace (independently of any Backdrop CMS core updates), or never update it at all if you so choose.

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stpaultim commented 4 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, if a contrib or custom module/theme has the same name as a core one

@klonos - Are you just throwing that out there, or do you prefer this solution over something like #-4 (supplemental style sheets)?

NOTE: I opened #4512 to start working on a simple PR based upon #-4. I don't know if this is the direction we want to go, but I think that creating a simple PR for this option, might help move this issue forward and better evaluate if it's the best option. I'm hoping to work on this myself, but welcome anyone to get started.

jlfranklin commented 4 years ago

Alternative but very similar: we could rename basis to basis_stable and then make a new basis theme that sub-themes basis_stable. All changes are made in the basis theme while basis_stable stays frozen.

That would mean that someone who has already sub-themed off of Basis now has a sub-theme of a sub-theme, and a surprise coming. They may not notice the change until something breaks, at which point they have to rebase off of basis_stable and check what changes they lost from basis. That isn't backwards compatible.

I think a better plan would be to leave basis as is, and only apply security updates as needed. Then create a new theme, bland and blank (think: the old Zen theme), with a new, different name that doesn't start with "B". Foundation. Pedestal. Cornerstone. Vasi. Add some notes to Basis that it is deprecated, but still supported, and will go away in BD2.0. Finally, create two or three full-color tutorial sub-themes off this new one to show how it's done, and make one of those the new default theme.

New users can pick a full-color theme, advanced users can sub-theme off bland-and-blank, and existing basis-derived themes still work the same, warts and all.

Basis may have issues, but they're well known issues. Rearranging things just makes more issues.

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

@jlfranklin - Thanks for your ideas. I think your suggestion is very similar to option 2 in the original issue description, but I added it as option 6 (possibly redundant).

I have two follow up questions for you?

1) With your suggestion to replace Basis with a new default theme, won't we run into the same problem in the future if we need to make css changes? Your suggestion would allow us to rework the theme and make significant improvements, but I'm not sure it addresses the question of how to safely make gradual ongoing css improvements in whichever default theme we are using. Am I missing something?

2) What do you think about the idea of introducing changes to the default theme with supplemental style sheets (something like option 4 in the issue summary)?

jlfranklin commented 4 years ago
  1. With your suggestion to replace Basis with a new default theme, won't we run into the same problem in the future if we need to make CSS changes?

Not if it's done with this problem in mind.

I would discourage users from creating sub-themes off a full-color theme, so any future changes there would only affect users of said full-color theme. That should make changes that might break a sub-theme safe to apply here.

On the other hand, bland-and-blank needs to be simple and robust, establishing theming structure, nomenclature, and setting reasonable defaults. Future changes should be more conservative: security updates, clearly backwards-compatible bug fixes, and new selectors to support new features in Backdrop. Treat bland-and-blank like any other API, because it is an API. If there is a question, default to applying a change to the full-color themes with comments documenting why it wasn't applied to the parent theme.

  1. What do you think about the idea of introducing changes to the default theme with supplemental style sheets (something like option 4 in the issue summary)?

That effectively creates two themes, Basis and Basis++. It also creates (and implicitly blesses by the core team) a second sub-theming mechanism: the use of supplemental style sheets. The full-color themes better demonstrate how sub-themes are intended to be done.

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

That effectively creates two themes, Basis and Basis++.

Most themes that you buy from non-drupal/backdrop sources include lots of CSS that people can choose to include or exclude, depending on what they need for their site. It's a good way to provide options.

It also creates (and implicitly blesses by the core team) a second sub-theming mechanism: the use of supplemental style sheets.

Many contrib themes already set a variable, then include/exclude a stylesheet based on that variable. I don't see a problem with core adopting a pattern that's been proven successful.

I also don't see any parallels between sub-themes and supplemental stylesheets, and I don't think anyone would get them confused. Both are great tools for front-end developers! :)

klonos commented 4 years ago

@klonos - Are you just throwing that out there, or do you prefer this solution over something like #-4 (supplemental style sheets)?

I was throwing it for consideration. It's what we are suggesting to digital agencies that work with / Asking customers to optionally copy the theme means less headaches for both parties, but the customer acknowledges that they are opting for less maintenance overhead (which saves them $$$) at the cost of potential security risk. This gives them the freedom to update their themes at their own pace, while we keep the platform/distro updated on their behalf. #SeparationOfResponsibilities++

As stressed earlier, this is not a one-way solution. There's customers that are actively monitoring changes and are updating their subthemes accordingly, and there are others that have a build-and-forget mindset (until the next time they redesign their site). The latter usually prefer to not have their site break with any updates we do to the core/distro.

I would like to remind everyone this (emphasis mine):

Backdrop will attempt to keep API change to a minimum in order for contributed code to be maintained easily, and for existing sites to be updated affordably. Every big change that can't be made backwards compatible will need to be carefully considered, and measured against Backdrop's other principles.

I interpret this as that we'll occasionally need to make breaking changes (which in this case happen every once in 5-6 years, and do not affect every site). In those (rare) cases, I feel that it is fair to consider it the responsibility of site owners to keep up and update their sites (and themes). Although I like #4512 as a solution, it is adding to complexity and overhead for us, when it should have been on site owners. I'm saying this while you all know how passionate I am about BC ❤️

@jenlampton I feel that copying the core theme temporarily whenever there may be a breaking change is not such a bad option for end users. We just need to stress that although possible, it is not the recommended way - the recommended way is to keep up with updates.

My point is that it would be nice to have something like #4512; I fully support it - especially since it would help us long-term. Having said that though, it will take a considerable amount of work to support it, it will add complexity/overhead on us. Copying a core theme on the other hand is something that works now, and it's simple for end users to do. If we wanted, we could add a tiny bit of logic to warn that an outdated theme is being used (on the site status report and/or the "Available updates" page), as a reminder that they need to update as soon as possible.

klonos commented 4 years ago

Copying a core theme on the other hand is something that works now, and it's simple for end users to do. If we wanted, we could add a tiny bit of logic to warn that an outdated theme is being used (on the site status report and/or the "Available updates" page), as a reminder that they need to update as soon as possible. a PoC, I have filed this 6-liner PR:

Without changing any code in the "Appearance" page, things look like this (a copy of Basis from 1.14.4 placed under /themes/basis in a 1.16.2 installation):


...and here's how the "Available updates" page looks in the same scenario, also without any changes in that:


olafgrabienski commented 4 years ago

While I like option 4 (Add an optional "supplemental stylesheet" to Basis), I'm not sure if there's really need for such an action, if we limit core theme changes to security and other very important fixes, put extra time in looking for solutions which don't break sites, and clearly announce core theme changes in the release notes.

klonos commented 4 years ago

...put extra time in looking for solutions which don't break sites.

That's the problem. In cases like this specific breakage that triggered this issue here, we did not know that things broke till only after the release 🤔 matter how careful we are, we're only humans, so there's always a chance that we'll miss things.

olafgrabienski commented 4 years ago

this specific breakage that triggered this issue here

@klonos Which one was the specific breakage? The issue description says, the idea was inspired by several issues.

docwilmot commented 4 years ago

I would suggest make changes apply only to new sites, and list updates in the README or a CHANGES.txt file (or something like that), to be applied manually by those who want to.

Maybe even add a cancellable notification in status report that there were changes to CSS?

klonos commented 4 years ago

@olafgrabienski I cannot find the specific issue for it now. I was referring to change that we've introduced that broke something (image alignment IIRC), and we then had to revert that.

olafgrabienski commented 4 years ago

make changes apply only to new sites, and list updates in the README or a CHANGES.txt (...) to be applied manually by those who want to.

Would that mean, if I want some CSS updates and don't have a sub-theme, I have to apply my changes again on every core update? If that'd be the case, let's better go with suggestion 4 instead, the "supplemental stylesheet" approach which provides a setting for this.

olafgrabienski commented 4 years ago

I was referring to change that we've introduced that broke something

I see, but really breaking something (as in "bug") is not the point here, in that case we revert the bug with the next release. If I understand this issue here correctly, it's about 'breaking' a site only because we make unexpected changes. These changes tend to be helpful but they change a known behavior and might conflict with expectations or workarounds.

klonos commented 4 years ago

...I've found the issue: #1140

We've introduced the change in 1.13.3 and then had to revert it in 1.15.2, because we realized that we broke things for existing sites 😓 ...see comment and later.

ghost commented 4 years ago

As I understand it, the issue this topic is addressing is what happens when someone uses Basis as their theme, and then Backdrop has an update to Basis that might break their changes.

What happens in a similar situation with Views? What if someone changes one of the admin views (e.g. /admin/content), and then a new version of Backdrop includes some changes to that view too? What happens with Layouts?

I think the answer is (correct me if I'm wrong) that Backdrop's new changes aren't included because the view/layout has been 'overridden'. Updates are only made to default views/layouts. If the user at some point reverts the view/layout to the default, then they'll get those new updates.

Themes are slightly different. We strongly discourage 'hacking' core (i.e. making changes to a theme directly), so we don't need to worry about those situations (whatever happens is the user's own fault). Therefore we're only worried about someone copying the Basis theme out of core and then making changes to their copy, or creating a sub-theme of Basis.

If they make their own copy, we can update core Basis no worries. Their theme won't be affected, unless they 'revert' to the default Basis theme.

So the only issue left is if they sub-theme Basis. In this case, can we make it so that updates are only applied to core Basis if the site's active or admin theme don't list Basis as the base theme in their info files? If the active/admin theme aren't sub-themes of Basis, we can update Basis no worries. However if they are sub-themes, then the updates aren't applied.

But how do we allow users to get the changes to Basis even if they're using their own copy or a sub-theme? Well if they override a view or layout, we don't allow them to get the latest changes to them until they revert their own changes, so why do we need to do that with themes? If people want the latest changes, they can use core Basis.

oadaeh commented 4 years ago

Or copy the changes to their own copy or a sub-theme.

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

@BWPanda - I've been grappling with this a bit, because you make some good points. It's not clear to me that any or all of these changes are that dangerous to break old sites. However, I can't quite escape the fear that users have adopted to some of the current quirks in the Basis theme in ways that we might not be imaging and that our changes could break.

The kinds of problems we want to fix are things like:

1) Unnecessary gap between hero blocks (#4095) 2) Poor default margin on <p> tag (#4166)

I expect that experienced themers with sub-themes have fixed these problems on their own and that our fixes are unlikely (although I'm not 100% certain of this) to hurt them.

However, I'm imaging folks who have a site that relies exclusively on Basis for the theme without any direct css hacks. How might they have adjustments to work around these problems in Basis? Maybe they added the CSS injector module, maybe they included some simple inline css in the body field, maybe they simply inserted extra "returns" to add space or fewer returns in their body field if they needed less space.

None of these fixes are considered hacking core. None of them enjoy the protection of a sub-theme.

Can I be certain that any users have done any of these things in ways that would be effected by our changes, no I can't. My question, for the last year, has been are we willing to accept the risk that these changes MIGHT effect users in unexpected ways and/or is there are a relatively easy solution that minimizes or reduces these risks.

Image a user that has two hero blocks one immediately above the other. Right now, there is unexpected space between those blocks that really does not need to be there and SHOULD NOT be there. But users have formatted their content with that space in mind. If we fix that problem, any site with hero blocks next to each other will suddenly have that space removed and the display of their sites will be "different" than it was before the fix.

If our fixes do hurt anyone. It's likely to hurt the kinds of users that are least equipped to deal with the results. Personally, I'm not likely to build sites that would be effected by these kinds of changes. But, I really want a casual user to be able to build a good looking site with Basis, without a sub-theme or any custom css. Can we recommend that users do this, if we are in the process of making CSS "improvements" that MIGHT change the display of their sites in unexpected ways? If margins/padding might change unexpectedly or background colors disappear #3748?

Especially, if there are relatively simple options to make these changes without effecting them (see # as a first draft solution).

I am not worried about existing sites getting these updates, because I assume that existing sites have already either fixed them on their own or worked around them. We can include documentation for experienced themers who want these changes on how to copy them into their own sub-theme or their own fork of Basis. But, the point of these changes is NOT to fix existing sites, the point of these changes are to make Basis easier to use in the future (without breaking existing sites).

One solution IS to basically freeze Basis and add a new and improved core theme to BackdropCMS. But, that comes with it's own problems and objections.

Maybe, I'm looking at this wrong or missing something...

ghost commented 4 years ago

My question, for the last year, has been are we willing to accept the risk that these changes MIGHT effect users in unexpected ways

In my opinion, yes.

This is why we have release notes; so people can see what changes were made between versions and what, if any, changes they might have to make (e.g. running update.php, manually copying changes to .htaccess, etc., double-checking theme updates don't break their setup).

This just seems like a big non-issue for me. Like we're trying to add features/systems to core that will affect and maybe benefit less than 20% of users/setups... Just my opinion though. I do appreciate your dedication to providing a better UX for all our users @stpaultim, even if I don't agree with it 😉

klonos commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, yes.

FTR: I'm of the same mind re this.

docwilmot commented 4 years ago

This is why we have release notes; so people can see what changes were made between versions and what, if any, changes they might have to make

Any automatic CSS changes pushed to sites in principle are always capable of causing problems. To me this issue is about the principle of whether Backdrop will push changes to a user's site appearance automatically in an upgrade. Example: will we change Basis from blue to green in 1.7.0? Sure the user can read the release notes first, but then what? Decline that upgrade? Manually change all green back to blue?

Thats why I say, in principle, we should not do changes to CSS in upgrades.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Thats why I say, in principle, we should not do changes to CSS in upgrades.

@docwilmot I see your point, so then what do you suggest when there's an issue with the styling? Wait until Backdrop/Basis v2.0.0 to fix it?

stpaultim commented 4 years ago

My intent (see original post - edited slightly) was/is to make Basis a robust and flexible theme out of the box, for users with very limited theming skills - for whom sub-theming may not be an option. Currently, Basis is very much limited by a number of minor CSS bugs (my view). In my view, accepting that breaks will happen from time to time as we make improvements and that it's up to users to accommodate these css changes, is contrary to this stated goal.

If Basis is going to be subject to occasional but inevitable css breaks, I would likely recommend that users NOT use Basis directly (except as a base theme and sub-theme it) and instead rely on contrib themes (which I suppose is a reasonable, if not optimal solution). I've been working on Tatsu for exactly this scenario and it or other contrib themes could be the solution for this type of user.

I'm still confused why folks think that adding supplemental stylesheets would be so confusing or difficult. It seems like it should be quite simple and straight forward to me. Please, take a look at this preliminary PR and provide specific feedback on that PR/option in that issue. - Create option to add a supplemental stylesheet to Basis - to safely make css updates

I'd like to better understand the objections to a solution along these lines.

(See list of issues regarding Basis -

ghost commented 4 years ago

I guess my objection to supplementary stylesheets is that over time you're going to have a lot of them (as updates for Basis could happen between each release). So then you'll possibly have checkboxes for:

jenlampton commented 4 years ago

We are only talking about adding conditional stylesheets in minor releases (not bug-fix releases). Plus, in all 17 releases we've had so far, we've only had two instances of this happen. There will be far fewer stylesheets than the number of minor releases.

albanycomputers commented 4 years ago

If Basis is going to be subject to occasional but inevitable css breaks, I would likely recommend that users NOT use Basis directly (except as a base theme and sub-theme it)

It's too late to issue a statement like that, as there's no point in closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

In effect, people have already used it as their main theme and sub themed it, me included...

I've used Basis exclusively because I didn't have the time or the inclination to install multiple themes just to see what they are like (before images were added) and I've not looked at the themes section to see what's available recently because again, time and inclination.

If it's just to tweak CSS then don't bother, create a new theme for the next major release... as one of my all-time favourite film quotes says... "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from's the only way to be sure"... as in... create a new base theme for the next major release.

As for security fixes, the notes should be in the email announcement, and if people don't subscribe to the announcements it's their problem. If they update it and it breaks their site, I'm sure they will look into what's happened and then read the notes lol. I know I have in the past with Drupal.

Just my take on it... hope it helps.

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

Changing "Basis" to "Core" in issue title since this same problem exists for core modules, as well as core themes, and core layouts. Also we have now to focus specifically on Basis :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

An extensive discussion happened in the design/UX meeting about this issue: No concensus was reached, but a few new ideas were discussed.

Personally I like some of those new ideas better than the existing one(s).

ghost commented 3 years ago

I don't believe there's a PR for this 'core' issue, so removing that tag (correct me if I'm wrong).

ghost commented 3 years ago

All of the proposed solutions so far, except two (listed below), solve the problem only for CSS changes made to a project (i.e. theme, module, layout). They don't address the problem of changes made to other core CSS files (e.g. /core/misc/*.css) (which is what this issue has been re-purposed for - to account for any CSS change in core).

The only two solutions that do address non-project CSS changes are:

  1. Making changes, letting users know of those changes in the release notes, and then leaving it up to them to decide what to do.
  2. Adding 'supplemental stylesheets' to core for any new CSS changes, then letting users choose which stylesheets to load for their site.

I understand that option 1 isn't desirable by most people (though it's my preferred choice currently). As for option 2, I've stated above that I don't like this idea because of the complexities involved. Not because the code is complex, but the overall way it works. My interpretation of today's design/ux meeting was that @klonos and @quicksketch also feel that this is not an ideal solution (especially considering the possibility of not just theme changes but other CSS components in core too).

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

There's a third option that we've discussed a lot more than #2.

  1. Adding 'supplemental stylesheets' to core for any new CSS changes, but DO NOT let users choose which stylesheets to load for their site.

The setting for which css changes are included (if it exists) would not have a User Interface, and would be tied to the version of Backdrop that was first installed.

There's also a fourth option, and it's what we are doing currently :)

  1. Don't change any CSS between major versions.

As for option 2, I've stated above that I don't like this idea because of the complexities involved. Not because the code is complex, but the overall way it works.

I still haven't heard a explanation of why "the overall way it works" is complex. Would it be possible for you to elaborate on this?

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

My interpretation of today's design/ux meeting was that @klonos and @quicksketch also feel that this is not an ideal solution (especially considering the possibility of not just theme changes but other CSS components in core too).

I wasn't there for today's meeting, so I'll try to go back and watch the video. But this I don't understand -- the solution proposed is relatively straightforward, and would also work for any other css change in core. The only remaining question (if we did decide to support CSS changes in the rest of core) would be where to place the additional CSS files, and at what point in the render process they should be included.

My personal preference is always to honor our promise not to break existing sites on minor (or bug-fix) releases, so that would mean we either carry-on with #4, or we would adopt a solution like #3 that would leave existing sites untouched, and include any css fixes on new installs only. Something like #2 would create a new "break my site" UI which I tend to disagree with on principal :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

WordPress has child themes like we have sub-themes: It'd be interesting to see if we can find out how they address this issue of not breaking people's customisations when parent themes are updated...

I just found this:

Every release, if there have been any changes in a bundled theme, we ship a new version to the theme directory.

I then went to WordPress' Theme directory and can see that the first listed theme is 'Twenty Twenty' - their default theme for 2020.

So it seems that WordPress doesn't have a concept of 'core' themes, just bundled ones...

jenlampton commented 3 years ago

We talked about this too: potentially copying a core theme into the contrib directory when it's "installed" -- but it would mean that applying a security update to a core theme would become a two-step process instead of one: 1) update core, and 2) copy core theme into contrib location

ghost commented 3 years ago

@jenlampton Ok, whether or not users can choose a 'supplemental stylesheet' or not doesn't matter to me in terms of clarifying the current proposed solutions - they're the same to me. It's the fact that there's a proposal to add new CSS changes to additional CSS files.

And yes, there's the option to not make any changes to CSS files. But I think we're all here discussing this because no one likes that option :wink:

As for:

The setting for which css changes are included (if it exists) would not have a User Interface, and would be tied to the version of Backdrop that was first installed.

Wouldn't that mean that users would never get updates to CSS for their site? As in, years down the track they're still seeing an old version of Basis that looks way different to new sites, when in reality they just didn't want to break one little thing at the time...

ghost commented 3 years ago

but it would mean that applying a security update to a core theme would become a two-step process instead of one

Maybe users would prefer an extra step during security releases (which are already rare) if it means more stability and control over core versions...

But that's a topic for the other issue. It doesn't help with core component CSS files...

ghost commented 3 years ago

If we decide to go with supplemental stylesheets (SS from now on - I'm not typing that over and over again), I much prefer @quicksketch's idea from the meeting where he proposed that instead of adding SS with the new changes, we add all new CSS changes to the existing stylesheets, and then add SS that revert it back to how it was before the change (for backwards-compatibility).

This has the following benefits:

Nate wasn't quite sure how this'd work though, but I'm wondering if it's be as simple as just adding a new change to core, then adding CSS to the SS that undoes that change. For example, if we remove padding in core, add padding in the SS. If we add padding in core, we remove padding in the SS.

Would that work?