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Which change notices need to be included from Drupal? #441

Closed docwilmot closed 9 years ago

docwilmot commented 9 years ago

These are change notices for Drupal 7 and 8 copied from Divided into three groups: the first group is all Drupal 7 change records, the second is D8 pre-Backdrop (i.e. change notices dated before September 2013) and third D8 changes up to 6 months post-Backdrop (changes dated after the fork). Would be great if @quicksketch and @jenlampton can have a look to see if any of these would also apply as change notices for Backdrop.

same list as Google doc here to make it easier to annotate:

Drupal 7 change records

Drupal 8 change records (Pre-fork)

Drupal 8 change records (Post-fork)  

quicksketch commented 9 years ago

Hi @docwilmot, thanks for putting this together.

I don't think the pre/post fork separatation is correct. I think you assumed the creation of the repository (Sept 2013) was the forking date, but we actually forked a much earlier version of Drupal 8, from Feb 29, 2012. So there are many more "post-fork" change notices and a lot fewer pre-fork notices.

We shouldn't need any of the post-fork change notices at all. Either the way we implemented changes was different, or we did not make the change at all. Any of our post-fork issues that need change notices should have been tagged with needs change notice.

I also don't think we need to document any of the Drupal 7 change notices, since we should assume users are upgrading from the latest version of Drupal 7.

So the window of change notices we need to include are change notices in the 8.x branch, before Feb 29, 2012. I would trim down this list myself, but I'm not sure what work went into generating it, and since we don't have revisions on Github, I don't want to permanently delete items that don't apply.

quicksketch commented 9 years ago

I updated the Google doc:

The short of it is basically: none of the change notices in that list really apply (at least directly). I noticed that some change notices that do apply were not in the list in the first place. In particular:

Improved Cache system Rename $language global

These are the most common porting API change I run into when updating Drupal 7 modules, however, I feel that both of these should have compatibility wrappers. Although Drupal doesn't believe in such things, for Backdrop, updating from D7 is one of our biggest concerns. I made two issues to add compatibility wrappers for these two changes:

docwilmot commented 9 years ago

Cool, so nearly everything is covered on the change records page then, since all the tagged github issues are on there already. Just need to finish documenting them a bit better. And sorry, I know this looked like a mountain of links, but I wanted to be sure I didnt miss anything. And it wasnt any work at all, just quick cut and paste.

quicksketch commented 9 years ago


jenlampton commented 9 years ago

Wow, thanks @docwilmot for putting all this together! Question, do we need the Drupal 7 change records, if there's not actually a change between Backdrop and the latest version of Drupal 7? Or are these just here for reference?