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[UX] Add help text on the Layout listing page to explain order and grouping. #4868

Closed klonos closed 2 years ago

klonos commented 3 years ago

This is related to #4841 and was brought up during the Dec. 31, 2020 weekly UX meeting, (~37min into the call)

@philsward (referring to the layout listing page) explained:

...just coming and looking at it, I feel that everything is jumbled together ...I don't know what I'm looking at. Nothing is organized, and that was kinda my big beaf with it.

@jenlampton said:

...everything is organized, but it's not clear to anyone looking at the page that it is.'s confusing.

Then @stpaultim asked a question about the organization of things:

...I've always understood that the higher up a layout is on the list, the more priority it has.

...then @jenlampton went on, to explain how the grouping and priority works on the layout listing page.


I just learned 30sec ago that the order in this page matters. I had no idea.


It doesn't say that anywhere. ...the only reason I think I know that is I think I've heard @jenlampton say it, but I might have misunderstood.


...and if you have 2 things that can be ordered, a button shows up that says "Reorder". But if you don't ever have them, you would never know that. ...if you never create anything that needs an order, you'll never even know that there are things that can have an order.

This is what @jenlampton was referring to:

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 6 04 08 pm

Proposed solution:

Screen Shot 2022-01-03 at 2 37 35 PM

Translation update

New strings:

stpaultim commented 2 years ago

I think that we're all getting a bit tired and have looked at this for too long. I think we've missed a couple of grammatical errors.

1) "The Path for the page is compared those in the alphabetical list here ..." should be "The Path for the page is compared to those in the alphabetical list here ..."

2) "The top available layout is is evaluated ..." should be "The top available layout for each path is evaluated ..."

bugfolder commented 2 years ago

Agreed. Made.

olafgrabienski commented 2 years ago

Sorry for being late here. I've not followed the whole discussion but mainly skimmed the discussion about Layout system paths, and I have a question: Should the help text also be valid for paths of core layouts? These don't look like menu router paths to me.

bugfolder commented 2 years ago

These don't look like menu router paths to me.

They are indeed menu router paths, which are created by the layouts themselves. Put differently, they are layout-created pages, versus overridden pages. (The changes to the layout listing page in are attempting to make that distinction clearer.)

olafgrabienski commented 2 years ago

They are indeed menu router paths, which are created by the layouts themselves.

Thanks for the clarification! They look more like URL aliases, but I guess it's difficult to cover these cases here.

jenlampton commented 2 years ago

this conversation is making me realize how confusing everything is. I'm so impressed that all of you managed to figure out layouts, and grateful that you are all here to help others ❤️

jenlampton commented 2 years ago

This PR does not need a thorough code review because it's mostly adding interface text, but I can't do it anyway because I was heavily involved in updates to the PR myself. If I could, I'd mark it RTBC :D Is there anyone else available to do so?

stpaultim commented 2 years ago

@jenlampton - As simple as this is, I'm not quite comfortable marking it RTBC. However, I did leave one note/question.

indigoxela commented 2 years ago

This issue proves, how hard wording can be. :wink:

Great result! RTBC :+1:

irinaz commented 2 years ago

Looks good, I think there might be more feedback from users after this help text goes live :)

quicksketch commented 2 years ago

Out of habit I merged this into 1.x and 1.20.x, as it doesn't contain any new features. So I'm moving this to the 1.20.4 milestone.

I think we can work on the presentation and overall approach to extended help text in a follow-up issue. I wouldn't want all the effort to write this text go to waste or wait, and this gives us a good example to work from in the future. Thanks everyone!