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Backdrop 1.22.0 Release checklist #5617

Closed quicksketch closed 1 year ago

quicksketch commented 2 years ago

Scheduled for May 15, 2022 4am - 6pm PT

Pre-release tasks

Release tasks (herbdool)

Immediate Post-release tasks

Code tasks

Publicity tasks

Backdrop Website updates

2-week Post-release tasks

These should be done after the first bug-fix release or 14 days -- whichever comes sooner.

Publicity tasks

Backdrop Website updates

See Also

laryn commented 2 years ago

Draft release notes:

The Backdrop community is pleased present the 1.22.0 release.

Notes for updating

Very important: This version of Backdrop now requires PHP 5.6 or higher. Previous versions of Backdrop supported anything from 5.3 or higher, so if your site is running one of these very old installations of PHP, you will need to upgrade your server prior to upgrading.

Changes since version 1.21.4 are listed below.

New features

Bug fixes

Miscellaneous changes

quicksketch commented 2 years ago

Great work folks! I'm super appreciative to @stpaultim, @herbdool, @laryn, and @BWPanda for coordinating and creating both the 1.22.0 and the 1.21.4 release!

herbdool commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the comprehensive steps @quicksketch. That helped quite a bit.

jenlampton commented 2 years ago

I've updated the docs site and the events site to 1.22.0.

edit: I've also committed core updates to www and forum (and tested locally) but if we make a new bug-fix release in the next few weeks we may want to update those again.

jenlampton commented 2 years ago

I've updated the main site and the forum site to 1.22.0.