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Add our logo to the "powered by backdrop" footer. #576

Open jenlampton opened 9 years ago

jenlampton commented 9 years ago

Having an image that links to is great for increasing the search ranking of

PR by @BWPanda:

ghost commented 9 years ago

Here's a PR that adds the logo to the '/misc/' directory, displays the logo in the footer and styles the logo in the Bartik theme.

I had to invert the logo colours so it'd display nicely on Bartik's dark-gray footer. Hope that's acceptable/allowed...

ghost commented 9 years ago

Here's what it looks like: firefox_screenshot_2015-01-16t00-01-49 199z

klonos commented 9 years ago

Like it!

quicksketch commented 9 years ago

This block should work in any region and on any theme, so using white text like this could be problematic. We might be able to bundle an inverted logo like this for the footer and place it with CSS in Bartik only, but use a normal black logo for the block by default.

ghost commented 9 years ago

In D6 there was the ability to change the colour & size of the logo used in this block: Perhaps we should do something similar (e.g. have a 'light' and 'dark' option)?

jenlampton commented 9 years ago

I personally think D6 had way too many options for changing the footer logo. How about we just offer two: black on white, and white on black (this looks like a great one for black-on-white). Surely one of them would work for most use-cases.

docwilmot commented 9 years ago

The black box wouldn't work out on a site with anything but a black background, why not just do one with white text, transparent background, the other black, also transparent background. Fits everything then.

jenlampton commented 9 years ago

Sounds good. Let's do it :)

quicksketch commented 9 years ago

I like the two-option approach (white-on-transparent and black-on-transparent). Back when this was an image in Drupal 6, the image/text didn't actually say "Powered by", it was just an image that had the alt text "Powered by Drupal". For the most versatility, perhaps we should ditch the text and have just the image (with alt text). Then we won't have to worry about font size or style conflicting with the image that is right next to it.

thejimbirch commented 9 years ago

Working on this.

quicksketch commented 8 years ago

@wesruv made a CSS-only logo in Perhaps this logo could be used in our block instead of an image? It would have the advantage of being colorizable, so we could use both black and white. Just an idea.

wesruv commented 8 years ago

Here she blows:

There are three styles I made easy to change in that codepen:

It's using aspect ratio CSS, so the width of the logo will update the height.

wesruv commented 8 years ago

Worth noting that this isn't IE8 compatible, if the browser can't render it properly it'll just be a black square (not so bad).


ghost commented 5 years ago

Made a new PR ( that adds @wesruv's CSS logo to the footer. Also added a setting in the block configuration to choose between black and white logo. Feedback welcome!

klonos commented 5 years ago

@BWPanda I have tried the PR sandbox, and although I see the settings in the "Powered by" block, I see no logo actually being rendered - only Drop. Am I missing something?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Oh, so the Basis theme defines the system.theme.css file in its info file, but without actually adding it, effectively removing it. So it doesn't work in Basis. Need feedback on whether that's OK, or if CSS should be moved elsewhere (the whole 'who should have the final say regarding CSS' debate). So try any other theme and it should work.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Also, this issue was the subject of my first Backdrop (and indeed any) screencast:

klonos commented 5 years ago

I have left comments inn the PR.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Should we add @wesruv's CSS logo to the Presskit page so others can use it in their own projects?

klonos commented 5 years ago

It wouldn't hurt @BWPanda

ghost commented 5 years ago

@klonos I've updated the PR based on your suggestions. I worked out an elegant way to avoid the inline CSS, and simplified the link tag code so it's much easier to read/understand.

Please re-test and let me know what you think.

herbdool commented 5 years ago

Is the idea to also get it into the Basis theme? In that case you might want to add it here too

ghost commented 5 years ago

@herbdool Good idea. See updated PR.

herbdool commented 5 years ago

This is the footer now in Basis with default colours.


docwilmot commented 5 years ago

TBH I'm not loving the fact that there are two separate images/icons/logos at once; it feels like a bit of overkill.

Could the block allow you to pick one instead? Or two different blocks?

herbdool commented 5 years ago

Agreed it seems like overkill.

stpaultim commented 5 years ago

Looking at this issue got me thinking about my friend, Drop the Dragon. In regards to this issue and the question of having both both logo and mascot next to each other:

1) Drop is only there in the Basis theme. The block is theoretically there by default in every theme. It only clashes with Drop in Basis. 2) If a user were to find the presence of both Drop and the logo distracting, we would rather they hide drop and keep the logo (which links to BackdropCMS). But, we've made it much easier to remove the "Powered By Backdrop" block than it is to remove Drop. 3) We could float the logo to the right side of the page in Basis, which is at least a little better than what we have now.

This problem inspired me to open an issue that makes it easier for a site builder to remove Drop from Basis:

EDIT: My problems removing Drop were user error. Drop is removed from Basis if the "powered by Backdrop" block is removed or if it is repositioned.

klonos commented 5 years ago

Code-wise things look OK now @BWPanda 👍

I agree that both the logo and Drop at the same time in Basis is overkill.

Here's how things look if you add a block with custom text after the "Bowered by" block:

Screen Shot 2019-06-30 at 5 51 41 pm

...and if you move the custom text block before the "Bowered by" block, Drop disappears:

Screen Shot 2019-06-30 at 5 51 20 pm

In the later case, it would make a lot more sense to me to keep Drop resting at the top of the footer, and have the Backdrop logo remain after the footer contents.

Perhaps we should move drop in Basis settings instead of the block?