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[UX] Create configuration option on Field Blocks to "hide" them from Default Content Type Displays #6460

Open stpaultim opened 2 months ago

stpaultim commented 2 months ago

Description of the need

When using field blocks one almost always needs to "hide" that field from the Default Content Display. Currently, that requires adding the block and then going to the Manage displays configuration for the content type and hiding the field from the default display. This feels cumbersome in particular as we discuss a new interface to help folks find and enable field blocks.


Proposed solution

Adding a configuration setting on field blocks that allows one to hide that field from the default content display of individual content types that use that field. If a field is used by more than one content type, you should be able to hide it from any specific content type.

Alternatives that have been considered

In the case of, we considered automatically hiding any field when the field block was created. But, something lilke this seems more sensible.

Leaving things as they are and simply requiring the two step process. First create field block and then go back and hide field.

Additional information

This is a potential follow-up issue to:

Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)

Field blocks are a powerful tool for placing individual fields in a specific layout region. In the past, after placing a field block a user had to go back to the default content display for the content type and "hide" the field to avoid duplication of content. Going forward, people will have the opportunity to hide the field from the default content display for specific content types as part of the configuration for each field block.

olafgrabienski commented 2 months ago

If the idea gets implemented, the setting should also apply to the "Full content" display, if it's in use.