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Consider adding a bit more color to the headers of modals and fieldsets in the Seven admin theme #6470

Open klonos opened 2 months ago

klonos commented 2 months ago

I am aware of the discussions about a new admin theme in Backdrop 2.0, but I thought that we could change things a bit in Seven sooner than that.

I haven't considered any a11y/contrast issues or anything about this, so that's not the reason for this request - it just feels that while working in the admin backend things are a bit too overwhelmingly "bright" and also kinda "dull", and they all seem to blend together in a distracting way - especially when opening modals. Perhaps it's because I have been using dark themes almost everywhere in my computers and phone for several years now.

Anyway, I thought that I'd ask the question and get a feel of what people think. Here's a very hasty and poorly-put-together side-by-side of current vs. what I am roughly suggesting, just to give people an idea - not too drastic changes or anything: image

stpaultim commented 2 months ago

Your idea is probably a slight improvement. I don't feel strongly about this either way. I don't see any reason why we couldn't make this change in the short term. If there is interest in it.

klonos commented 2 months ago

I just found another use case: this is what the image/file fieldset looks like when the file/image field has been configured to allow multiple or unlimited files/images:


I realize that we have kept field labels bolded and have unbolded fieldset labels for good reasons, however in this specific use case the visual prominence/emphasis goes to the "child" nested element, which feels odd. Compare the above screenshot to this instead (I used #eee as background-color):

olafgrabienski commented 1 month ago

I think you made good suggestions for both use cases. The Seven theme is quite extensive, though, and some pages like the content edit page should be considered in their entirety.