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Views: Provide a new "File browser" display type, and make it available when creating views of type "Files" (part of a bigger plan) #6512

Open klonos opened 4 months ago

klonos commented 4 months ago

This is just a baby step towards a bigger plan, outlined here:

Over in #2718, @argiepiano mentioned this forum post where he documents how to mimic the image browser introduced with the Image Library (see #3297) in order to implement a generic, custom file browser/picker (the specific post describes how to do that for pdf files, but can be adapted for any type of file). That got me thinking the following:

The view creation wizard at views/add allows you to select what you would like the new view to show (content, files, taxonomy terms, etc.), and right below there is a section with 2 options:

I would like to propose that we add another option when "Files" (file_managed) is selected as the type for the view. We should then convert the steps outlined in that forum post mentioned above to be configuration options for that type of display. The type of display should be called "file browser" or "file picker":

argiepiano commented 4 months ago

This is an intriguing idea, but I'm unclear what the benefit of this display handler might be. Let's say you (a site builder) create a view and use this display handler to display all PDF files, and allow users to select a file. What do you do with the selected file? Pass it to Rules, perhaps? How?

Additionally, if you wanted to create a file browser/selection as a site builder, you can easily build a File view, and use VBO to select it. This would also allow you to pass the selected fid to a Rule.

To be clear, I do agree that file fields should have a core file browser/selection tool like images. But creating a new views display handler doesn't seem to be necessary to accomplish this. We could just provide a special view like core does for the Image browser.

An additional thought: while I've written views handlers aplenty, I've never created a views display handlers, but AFAIK, display types should be applicable to any and all views of all entities (nodes, files, users...) and beyond (e.g. views of modules and themes, etc). This proposed display type would only apply to views of File entities.

klonos commented 4 months ago

... I'm unclear what the benefit of this display handler might be.

One possible scenario is to create a file browser that allows specific media type(s) or specific file extensions when it comes to new files added to the respective file field, and to also restrict the addition of existing files to a specific "folder" or category of files. So when content editors are creating content of that specific type, they are not allowed to add anything else - the file browser restricts the list of files shown as options to only those matching the criteria for the use case. Not all bits are there at the moment to allow that, but that's something that we should be eventually providing a way to achieve via the admin UI I believe - no custom code required if possible. I envision this to be one of the features that would provide some sort of lightweight digital asset management capabilities to Backdrop core.

docwilmot commented 4 months ago

What I think we should do though is write proper field handlers so the Image Browser View doesnt depend on "Rewrite the output of this field". That always seems hacky to me.

argiepiano commented 4 months ago

What I think we should do though is write proper field handlers so the Image Browser View doesnt depend on "Rewrite the output of this field". That always seems hacky to me.

This sounds like the way to go.

stpaultim commented 4 months ago

I'd like to talk about this in a UX meeting sometime, because I think this is a complex enough issue that I'm not yet able to imagine all the implications for this, both pro and con. Also, I have a fuzzy idea of what the proposed benefits are, but I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correct.

klonos commented 3 months ago

This was discussed during the dev meeting today, 33:22 into the recording. Here:

indigoxela commented 3 months ago

I'd like to point to the now existing contrib project: It provides, what has been requested here (a file browser) - in a different way.