backdrop / backdrop-issues

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Add telemetry on config storage backend usage #6538

Open klonos opened 2 weeks ago

klonos commented 2 weeks ago

This was requested in the recent dev meeting. Lets add a metric on whether sites are using files or the database as their config backend, to help with any decision-making in the future.

klonos commented 2 weeks ago

PR here:

quicksketch commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @klonos! This is good but I think we should separate out tracking the staging config from the active config as two different values. Although it's unlikely that someone would use Database for staging and Files for active, I think it would be good to separate the tracking so we know for sure. I sort of expect a 100% use of Files for staging and a more balanced mix for active.

klonos commented 2 weeks ago

Sure 👍🏼 ...working on it.