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Backdrop 1.28.0 Release checklist #6547

Open jenlampton opened 2 weeks ago

jenlampton commented 2 weeks ago

Scheduled for May 15, 2024 4pm PT - 8pm PT

Pre-release tasks

Release tasks

Immediate Post-release tasks

Publicity tasks

Code tasks

Backdrop Website updates

2-week Post-release tasks

Publicity tasks

See Also

jenlampton commented 2 weeks ago

Release notes draft:

The Backdrop community is proud to release Backdrop CMS version 1.28.0!

This release includes several major new features, including a new icon system that bundles the Phosphor Icon Collection, in both "regular" and "filled" variants. The new icon system is used in the admin bar, dashboard, and admin landing pages. The new icons will start being used throughout core in the next few minor releases. They're also available for contrib developers and themers to use through the new Icon API (see the documentation for Icon API here).

Uploading SVG images is now supported directly in image field uploads. SVGs also are integrated into the image library and image style systems. Note that if you have previously used the SVG Image module, this module can now be removed as core provides equivalent functionality.

For sites that run on specialized hosting platforms (such as Pantheon, Acquia, or AWS), Backdrop 1.28.0 now allows your site to store configuration in the database instead of on the file system. This may be beneficial on systems where the file system is not as fast or reliable as database access. It also may help work with existing tools for creating backups, as the configuration will be backed up as part of the database instead of needing to be backed-up separately. Initial benchmarking has indicated database configuration is slightly slower than hosting configuration on a local SSD. Performance will vary based on your hosting configuration.

Notes for updating

New features

Bug fixes

Miscellaneous changes

quicksketch commented 2 weeks ago

Tag is cut, ready for release:

jenlampton commented 2 weeks ago Release out! 🎉

jenlampton commented 2 weeks ago

I've added SVG Image to the list of modules in backdrop core:

klonos commented 2 weeks ago

Does our Icon API also count as a partial/alternative implementation of as well?

quicksketch commented 2 weeks ago

I would say yes. It doesn't provide every possible sub-module (icon_field or icon_filter), but it does provide the API for displaying icons and supporting other icon sets.

laryn commented 2 weeks ago

I've updated the Pantheon upstream.

klonos commented 2 weeks ago

Demo sandboxes have been updated as well. Tested and working too 👍🏼

olafgrabienski commented 4 days ago

I've created a new language template file for the translation server.