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Views that were panel pane displays in Drupal should be converted to Blocks in Backdrop #6551

Open jenlampton opened 4 months ago

jenlampton commented 4 months ago

The Panels module in Drupal provided a views display style called a panel_pane, that is specifically for being placed into Panels Layouts. In Backdrop, these are equivalent to blocks.

As part of the upgrade process, it is safe to switch the Display Type from panel_pane to block, and change nothing else about the views display. Many of us have been making this change manually when upgrading from sites that used Panels.

I recommend that we do this for people automatically as part of the upgrade.

From @laryn

I think in my case it is because the view uses panel_pane display plugins. I will have to see how to convert those to something usable.

From @jenlampton

panel pane displays should get converted to blocks in the upgrade (automatically). Nearly all my sites used Panels heavily in D7!

From @laryn

I don't see any reference to panel_pane in core:

From @keiserjb

Panel panes haven't ever been converted for me.

From @jenlampton

wha... really? Did I change all mine manually too? (and why don't I remember) It looks like I have a find/replace in my upgrade script that did that :/ I just assumed it was part of core ...

Here is the command from my script that fixed all my views displays:

grep -rl 'panel_pane' . | xargs sed -i '' 's/panel_pane/block/g'

(I ran this from inside my config directory)

laryn commented 4 months ago

I agree this should happen automatically, thanks @jenlampton!

klonos commented 4 months ago

So basically just an update hook. Which module? ...Layout, Block, Views, System?